Smart speakers such as Google Nest and Amazon Echo are intelligent devices that help users achieve their daily tasks through voice commands. They are also cleverly designed to help any room look more sophisticated. But have you thought about where your smart speaker is located?

Although it is often overlooked, the position of smart speakers can have a significant impact on performance over time. Whether it be from the television, kitchen, or bathroom, your device could be underperforming, and you may not even know it. Here are some of the worst places to put your smart speaker.

1. Near a Television

A Google Home Smart Speaker Next to a TV

One of the most common places to put your smart speaker is right next to, or underneath, your television. There is already an electrical outlet to plug the speaker in, and the device looks great on the TV stand. But did you know that this spot could cause a lot of drama throughout the house?

As many commercials and sitcoms reference Alexa or Google—the wake words of these two devices—it will cause your smart speaker to wake up and listen to that command. Not only does your smart speaker interrupt the show you are watching by talking, but it can also follow through on the actors' commands and turn off lights, set alarms, and add events to the calendar.

If you are not aware of this when it is happening, you could fall victim to early morning alarms, along with other nuisances caused by your device listening to the television.

2. Near Cooking Appliances

Cooking Pasta In A Busy Kitchen

Another place you do not want to put your smart speaker is near cooking appliances. This is due to the spills and heat that occur in the kitchen. When using an oven, stove, air fryer, or any other cooking method, it is natural to have some spills when cooking.

With grease and food able to make their way onto/into your device, it can only lead to bad things. Not only do these spills help clog the speaker and produce muffled sound, but the debris can make its way through to the internal components of your smart speaking which can result in a shorter lifespan.

Heat is another factor around cooking appliances as heat emitted from places like a stove or oven can lead to overheating and frying the internal components of the smart speaker. This will then result in malfunctions or even stop the speaking from working completely.

Although it is unwise to have a smart speaker near your cooking appliances, there are other smart kitchen gadgets that can be used for an easier cooking experience.

3. Near the Toilet

Toilet sign

This seems like a pretty self-explanatory one, but people still put their smart speakers close to the toilet. Although it can be relieving to play some music to drown out any sounds that occur inside the bathroom, it is one of the most unhygienic spots to place your device.

Placing your device near your toilet will result in germ buildup—even if you have a spotless bathroom, germs find a way— which can lead to your bathroom getting dirtier faster or can make users sick.

Although having a smart speaker in your bathroom can make it look more sophisticated, there are other useful bathroom gadgets that can make the room look nicer while also providing a more relaxing bathroom experience.

4. Near a Water Source

shower in bathroom

This is another straightforward one. Placing your device near water is a big no-no. Water and electricity are not friends at all. Not only can you risk your devices' life, but you could also risk yours if you place your smart speaker near the bath. Other locations near sinks and showers should also be off-limits as you risk water entering your device that can damage it.

If water does enter your device, the safest way to handle it is to unplug the device and let it dry. This could take an hour or a day, but it is worth waiting.

5. Near a Window

Flowers sitting by an open window

It's always nice to show off your smart speaker to your friends, or pick the spot where it looks the best, but the one thing that is often overlooked is the window. Placing a device near a window can be dangerous, especially if that window is open. Sitting your smart speaker by the window can be enticing to thieves and leave you in a world of regret.

Be Mindful Where You Put Your Smart Speaker

Although your smart speaker might look good near a window, next to the sink, or be useful in drowning out bathroom sounds. Is it worth it?

Storing your device in these locations can lead to problems for your device and yourself. It would be wiser and safer to rethink where you put your device in the future.