If you're into reading books, you're probably always on the lookout for free books wherever you can find them. So you'll be pleased to discover that Amazon is giving away 10 free Kindle books for World Book Day.

Here's how you can claim them.

Amazon Is Giving Away 10 Free Kindle Books

To celebrate World Book Day, Amazon announced on its website that it's giving away 10 free Kindle books that you can claim until April 27th, 2022. The list of free books includes memoirs, thrillers, fantasy, and more. If you've been trying to develop a book reading habit, then this is the perfect time to find your next book.

How to Claim Your Free Kindle Books on Amazon

A woman sat down reading a book.

Claiming your free Kindle books is easy to do and will only take a few simple steps before you start reading. To claim them, do the following:

  1. Go to Amazon's Read the World page. Make sure you're logged into your Amazon account.
  2. Scroll down and select the book you want to claim.
  3. Click Buy Now for $0.00.
  4. You'll be taken to the book's product page. Select Buy Now with 1-Click.

Your book will be automatically sent to your Kindle device or your Kindle app on your smartphone for you to read. It's as simple as that. You can repeat the same process to claim the other books available.

When Is the Deadline for Claiming These Free eBooks?

Amazon Read the World page

You have until April 27th, 2022, to claim your free books. The Amazon Read the World page has a countdown timer with days, hours, and minutes, so you know exactly how much time you have left. You better hurry.

Celebrate World Book Day With Free Kindle Books

Amazon has jumped into the spirit of World Book Day by offering free books that are easy to claim. If you're somebody who is always on the hunt for your next read, then it can't hurt to give these books a try. After all, you won't spend a single dime on them (if you're quick enough).