Regardless of whether you use Windows or Mac, there are plenty of helpful shortcuts at your fingertips. These help you easily carry out repetitive tasks and navigate the operating system quickly—there's no need to trawl through cumbersome menus.

If you've recently switched from Windows to Mac or vice versa, or you own a computer running each, you may get confused about what keys to press to carry out common shortcuts. That's why we've put together this guide that lists helpful actions and their respective Windows and Mac shortcut.

These shortcuts are perfect for Windows 11 and macOS Monterey, though most will work on earlier versions too.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download the Mac vs. Windows Shortcuts Cheat Sheet.

Essential Mac and Windows Shortcuts


Windows 11

macOS Monterey



Ctrl + C

Command + C


Ctrl + X

Command + X


Ctrl + V

Command + V


Ctrl + Z

Command + Z


Ctrl + F

Command + F

Search and replace

Ctrl + H

Command + H

Select all

Ctrl + A

Command + A


Ctrl + B

Command + B


Ctrl + I

Command + I


Ctrl + U

Command + U


Ctrl + Shift + =

Command + Control + +


Ctrl + =

Command + Control + –




File menu

Alt + F

Command + F2 and F

Edit menu

Alt + E

Command + F2 and E

View menu

Alt + V

Command + F2 and V


Ctrl + P

Command + P

Command Prompt/Terminal


Ctrl + C

Command + C


Ctrl + V

Command + V

Select current line

Ctrl + A

Triple-click the line

Move one line up/down

Ctrl + Up / Ctrl + Down

Option + Command + Page Up / Option + Command + Page Down


Ctrl + F

Command + F

New tab

Ctrl + Win + T

Command + T

List files and folders



Full path of current folder/directory



Change folder/directory

cd <path to directory>

cd <path to directory>

One directory up in directory tree


cd ..

Move to root directory



Create new directory in current directory

mkdir newFolder

mkdir myFolder

Create new file

echo some-text > fileName(.txt)

cat > fileName(.txt)

Remove a directory

rmdir myFolder

rmdir myFolder

Rename a directory

ren oldFolderName newFolderName

mv oldFolderName newFolderName

Copy a directory

robocopy myFolder <path to destination directory>

cp -r myFolder <path to destination directory>

Move a directory

move myFolder <path to destination directory>

mv myFolder <path to destination directory>

Remove a file

del myFile

rm myFile

Rename a file

ren oldFileName newFileName

ren oldFileName newFileName

Copy a file

copy myFile <path to destination directory>

cp myFile <path to destination directory>

Move a file

move myFile <path to destination directory>

mv myFile <path to destination directory>

Clear the screen



Concatenate and print a file


cat myFile

Count lines in a file

C:/../myFile PIPE** find "" /v /c

wc -l myFile

Close window

Type Exit then Enter

Shift + Command + W


New tab

Ctrl + T

Command + T

Focus on browser address bar

Alt + D

Command + L

Go to browser home page

Alt + Home

Command + Home

Add .com to URL

Ctrl + Enter

Command + Return / Control + Return

Add to current page bookmark

Ctrl + D

Command + D

Close current window

Ctrl + W

Command + F11


System search

Windows, then type

Command + Space, then type

Show or hide desktop

Windows + D

Command + Mission Control

Peek desktop

Windows + ,

Command + F3

Resize or minimize app

Windows + Down arrow

Command + M

Minimize all apps

Windows + M

Command + Option + M

Switch between active windows

Alt + Tab

Command + Tab

Close active window

Alt + F4

Command + W

Toggle full screen


Command + Control + F

Launch taskbar app with the position specified by the number

Windows + Number

Fn + Control + F3 then Left arrow and Return

Save screenshot of the screen

Windows + Print Screen

Command + Shift + 3

Copy screen screenshot to clipboard

Print Screen

Command + Control + Shift + 3

Copy active window screenshot

Alt + Print Screen

Command + Control + Shift + 3

Narrator in Windows / VoiceOver in Mac

Windows + Ctrl + Enter

Command + Fn + F5

Start menu in Windows / Dock in Mac


Command + Option + D

File Explorer in Windows / Open Search in Finder

Windows + E

Command + Option + Space

Character Map

Windows + R, type charmap, then Enter

Command + Control + Space

Settings / Preferences

Windows + I

Command + ,


Lock desktop

Windows + L

Command + Control + Q

Sign out

Ctrl + Alt + Del, click Sign out

Command + Option + Shift + Q

Sleep or standby

Windows + X then U then S

Command + Option + Eject


Windows + X then U then U

Command + Control + Option + Eject


Windows + X then U then R

Command + Control + Power

Force shutdown

Hold power button

Hold power button for longer than 1.5 seconds

Step Up Your Productivity With These Shortcuts

Now that you know the Windows and Mac shortcut equivalents, it's time to put them into practice. Plus, it'll be easier than ever to switch between these operating systems once you know the basics.

And who knows, it might encourage you to become a multi-operating system household. You can even achieve that on a single machine, thanks to virtualization.