We all install apps we intend to use, only to forget they exist later. However, despite you not using them anymore those apps still take up storage space and use our internet bandwidth. To prevent them from doing that, Microsoft introduced the Archive apps feature.

Here's what you need to know about App archiving in Windows 11.

What Is the App Archiving Feature?

App archiving is a feature that automatically uninstalls apps that you rarely use while keeping their associated files and settings intact. Should you decide to open the archived apps again, Windows will redownload them from the Microsoft Store, and you can resume using them.

The Archive app feature only works on apps you've downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

Should You Enable or Disable App Archiving?

If you're prone to installing large or too many apps and forgetting about them, the Archive app feature will serve you well. That way, you don't have to bother with uninstalling apps yourself when you're trying to free up space on your computer.

However, there are instances where an archived app is no longer available on the Microsoft store. That means you can potentially lose apps you may need in the future.

Now, suppose you're afraid you might lose the archived apps and aren't particularly concerned about them taking up space or using your internet bandwidth. In that case, we recommend disabling the Archive app feature.

How Do You Enable or Disable App Archiving in Windows 11?

You don't have to enable app archiving in Windows 11 because it will be on by default. You can check this by right-clicking Windows and clicking Apps & features from the list of options. Then, expand More settings.

Archive apps feature in the "Apps & features" section of the Windows 11 settings.

Click on Archive apps, and you'll see that Windows has already set the toggle to On. You'll also see apps that the OS has archived here.

By clicking on the toggle, you can turn app archiving on and off as you please.

The Archive app feature in Windows 11 set to on.

Now You Know About Archiving Apps in Windows 11

Now that you're familiar with the Archive app feature, you can enable or disable it depending on your needs. These needs usually revolve around how much storage space and internet bandwidth you're trying to save. With that said, we'll leave that part up to you to decide.