Most vehicles made in the last 20 years include a car immobilizer system as a standard anti-theft feature. It dramatically minimizes the likelihood of your automobile being stolen when it functions properly.

But how does an engine immobilizer work? And how can you find out if your car has an immobilizer?

What Is a Car Immobilizer?

dashboard with button of modern car

A car immobilizer system (also known as an engine immobilizer) is a piece of electronic security technology that is designed to deter and inhibit vehicle theft. Its goal is to keep a car from being hot-wired and stolen by someone who doesn't have the key to start the engine. UK Government statistics show a significant drop in vehicle theft after 1992, when immobilizers started becoming standard.

If you've bought a car in the past 20 years, you've almost certainly already utilized this technology without even recognizing it. Car dealerships increasingly distribute key fobs or smart car keys instead of traditional ones. As a result, the key's base has buttons for locking and unlocking car doors, opening the trunk, and, in certain cases, remotely starting the vehicle.

Many new vehicles have a feature known as keyless entry, which allows you to access the vehicle without having to press any buttons. If your vehicle is equipped with another feature, often referred to as keyless go, then you can also start the vehicle while keeping the key in your pocket.

How Does a Car Immobilizer Work?

Carbon fibre center console

Other than starting up your car, modern car keys act as an extra security element. Key fobs and smart keys house a transponder chip inside them. When you start the engine or have the key fob inside the automobile, these chips communicate a passcode to the car's immobilizer technology. If the pin code from the key fob matches the one in the immobilizer system, the vehicle will start. Otherwise, it won't.

Most immobilizers sound an alarm if someone uses a counterfeit key with the wrong code to turn the ignition. In addition, some digital auto systems will notify a security service. The security company, or the app, will reach the user to confirm that they are not in the car and then inform them there has been an attempted theft.

Some companies have upgraded their immobilizers to a two-tier security system with fixed and changeable codes. The second code is recorded in the transponder and changes when you start the car. When you try to start the automobile, the immobilizer checks the permanent code first, then demands the second changing code. It compares it to the one saved in the database and finally starts the car.

Once the vehicle starts, the immobilizer generates a new second code and transmits it to the transponder. This cycle goes on so that the security system stays dynamic. The car will not start without the second code.

How To Check If Your Car Has an Immobilizer

Car Key

There are a few things that can assist you in figuring out if your car has an immobilizer or not. Your primary guide is your car's handbook. This book should have all the information on your vehicle, including whether the manufacturer equipped it with an immobilizer.

The two other leads are your car's make and the key. If your car's make is post-1998, it probably has an immobilizer. Also, if your vehicle has a key fob or a smart key, it almost certainly has an immobilizer. These are all assuming you bought the car new, knowing that no one has tinkered with the immobilizer.

If you bought your car used, it's possible that a former owner disabled or removed the immobilizer. On the other hand, even if your car didn't come with an immobilizer from the factory, the previous owner may have installed one.

In your car's handbook, you should find all information about the immobilizer, including whether it has been removed or changed. If this information isn't obvious, any skilled mechanic should be able to inspect the vehicle and verify the information for you.

How Safe Are Car Immobilizers?

Since their launch, immobilizers have assisted in decreasing car crime by a significant amount. According to Kaspersky, car theft in the United States dropped dramatically in the late 1990s and subsequently decreased further in the 2000s as immobilizers became more widely used.

However, while vehicle immobilizers help prevent automobile theft, some criminals are more resourceful than others. Thieves always manage to find a way to bypass every degree of security, and they have cracked the immobilizer.

The introduction of keyless entry and start systems on modern cars has led to an increase in relay theft, in which thieves use devices to intercept the code created by the car's key and broadcast it to deceive the car's electronics into thinking the key is present. This would allow them to start the car and drive away without deactivating the immobilizer. This is one of the most common ways criminals use technology to steal cars. On the other hand, recent models have taken steps to make relay theft more difficult.

What Is a Thatcham Device?

a person holding a key near a car door

Thatcham is a non-profit organization that assesses a vehicle's security to assist insurance companies in determining your premium. This unbiased assessment examines your vehicle's safety features, such as alarms and immobilizers. It's worth noting that Thatcham rates some alarms and immobilizers higher than others.

You can find out your car's rating on the Thatcham website. You'll need to provide information about your vehicle, including its make and model, fuel type, and production year. It will then offer you several safety-related results, such as theft, whiplash, and group ratings for your vehicle. These findings will help establish how safe your car is and assist your insurer in determining a reasonable rate.

Your automobile will be substantially safer with an immobilizer, making theft more challenging. This is good as it gives you a lower risk for vehicle insurance companies, leading to a lower rate. Because it is the highest-rated, a factory-fitted Thatcham-approved immobilizer is the finest alternative. Always double-check your insurer's auto insurance policies, as they may differ from one provider to the next.

Boost Your Car Security With an Immobilizer

Car immobilizers prevent theft by requiring a passcode from the key fob's transponder chip. If the code matches, the car starts; otherwise, it won't start. Immobilizers also sound an alarm if someone tries to use a counterfeit key.

Criminals can still bypass transponder codes with keyless entry and start systems. Despite the sophisticated security systems implemented by manufacturers, you need to always be vigilant and plan ahead for your car's security to limit the risk of theft. Park in well-lit areas, keep your car keys secure, and be cautious whenever you're near your vehicle.