The world has witnessed the rapid growth of Web3 technology due to the emergence of various decentralized apps (dapps). These apps include Web3 social media platforms that provide a promising alternative to traditional social media, claiming to offer users greater autonomy and control over their data.

So, what exactly are these Web3-based social networks, and how do they work?

What Are Web3 Social Networks?

Web3 social networks are interactive platforms with a decentralized model. The community-driven nature of these platforms provides users with complete autonomy to create and share content as they please. For example, the Mastodon social network offers instances for everyone, allowing for a customized experience.

In addition, users have total control over their data because they do not rely on large enterprises as central authorities. This frees users from the corporate stranglehold, granting them the ability to manage their data and decide whether to monetize it or not.

Web3 social networks are primarily focused on building communities and promoting content sharing. These communities can be related to any domain, such as tech or business, where people can freely discuss ideas. This makes them ideal for social interactions, learning, and even managing businesses.

How Do Web3 Social Media Platforms Work?

Web3 social media platforms are an upgraded version of conventional socializing sites such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. These platforms incorporate breakthrough technologies like blockchain and smart contracts to create a user-centric socializing experience.

Like many cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens, Web3 social media platforms utilize distributed ledger technology (DLT) through a blockchain. This allows the platforms to make users' data immutable and transparent. Smart contracts provide a framework for efficient execution of backend tasks.

Most importantly, blockchain technology makes Web3 social networks decentralized. They are run by numerous independent servers, removing control from any individual or organization.

Additionally, crypto tokens play a significant role in maintaining the decentralized nature of socializing platforms. They are powered by the blockchain's native tokens, providing incentives to all users. The reward system on these platforms is designed to incentivize participation from all users, regardless of whether they are content creators or consumers.

How Are Web3 Social Media Platforms Different From Web2 Social Media?

The advent of Web2 social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram brought the world closer together and gave a voice to the masses. However, these platforms come with downsides, such as tech enterprises having complete authority over user data, censorship policies that limit freedom of expression, and concerns regarding data breaches and server outages.

Web3 social media dapps aim to address some of these issues. Unlike Web2 social media, where a single company manages the platform, Web3 social media is community-driven. The platforms store data on blockchains and use token rewards to secure it. Independent servers ensure decentralization instead of centralized databases.

Web3 social media also offers more dynamic socializing with three-way communication and the ability for creators to tokenize their content into NFTs for monetization. Additionally, you can enjoy all the features of Web3 social media with improved privacy and security.

5 Benefits of a Web3 Socializing Platform

Let’s explore some of the benefits the Web3 socializing platforms offer.

1. Enhanced Security

A scratched Facebook logo on a phone's screen.

Web2 social platforms rely on algorithms that track each user's social graph. They monitor your every move, from the accounts you follow to the posts you like, to create a personalized experience. However, this approach can compromise your privacy.

Additionally, your data is stored on centralized databases, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks. The alarming number of data breaches on mainstream platforms highlights the need for better security measures.

Web3 social networks are built on the decentralized environment of blockchain technology and employ independent servers on different nodes. This makes it harder for hackers to manipulate user data. Moreover, users have complete control over their data on Web3 platforms, giving them the authority to manage their information as they see fit.

2. A User-Centric Environment

Pink and Purple-themed illustrated image of a woman wearing VR glasses

Web3 has also reshaped social platforms by making them user-centric. The main force managing these platforms is their communities, as each member of the social network can participate in its governance through crypto. Users also have complete ownership of their content, and they can choose how it can be monetized or used.

The user-centric environment is refreshing because it does not keep its focus on consumerism. Instead, it empowers users to create their own communities where they can freely share their views and values with the community.

Furthermore, users can customize the platform to fit their priorities. For instance, the Nostr clients are similar to Twitter, but users can also tailor clients to emulate other social networks.

3. Blockchain-based Payment Systems

Although many social sites have incorporated simple payment methods, they are still vulnerable to cyberattacks. Web3 social media aims to tackle this issue by introducing blockchain-based in-app payment methods.

The in-app payment methods used by Web3 social media platforms allow users to transact directly from the platform using its native tokens. Using these tokens, users can have a say in the platform's governance as they can participate in decision-making processes and vote on proposals using governance tokens.

Additionally, users can manage their finances on the platform by using tokens to buy, sell or exchange goods and services.

4. Better Monetization Opportunities

An illustrated image depicting social media influencer marketing
Image Credit: Vectorjuice/Freepik

Social media like YouTube and Facebook provides an environment for people to profit from their content which has benefited many. However, on conventional social media, users are not the only authority on the content they create.

On the other hand, Web3 offers better content monetization opportunities. You can mint your viral posts as non-fungible tokens and sell or rent them to gain profits. In addition, Web3 platforms can use instantly release payments through smart contracts.

For example, the Web3 platform, Mirror, has a publishing protocol that enables writers to integrate crypto wallet-based subscriptions for their work.

5. Identity Verification

Social networks on Web2 are crammed with bots resulting in irking spam posts. Web3 can eliminate spamming by introducing identity verification through smart contracts. It ensures that every account on these platforms is owned by a genuine person.

Web3 Will Change the Way We Socialize

Web3 is set to revolutionize how we socialize, offering greater control over user data and identity in a decentralized, secure, and transparent environment. By leveraging blockchain technology, Web3 social media platforms provide new opportunities for monetizing content and interactions, resulting in greater financial rewards for users.

Ultimately, Web3 could pave the way for a more democratic and equitable social media landscape, changing the way we interact online.