Twitter has made it easier to switch to your preferred viewing mode in your feed. You can now switch between top tweets and the latest tweets on your timeline through a new tabs feature.

For now, this feature is only available to select iOS users, but will soon expand wider. But how does it work?

Twitter Launches Tabs to Switch Between Home and Latest Tweets

Twitter has released an update that allows you to easily switch between the two different modes of your timeline: Latest tweets and Home.

Instead of having to tap the star option in the top right-hand corner of your screen in Home, you will now be able to switch between the two modes quicker and more easily.

That's because Twitter now categorizes how you view tweets in separate tabs on the main feed, so you know which view you’re scrolling through, allowing you to switch between the two viewing modes with just one quick tap.

This not only makes it easier to switch between the different viewing modes, but also helps you to tailor your feed to your preference, and to quickly check which mode you're on while scrolling.

How Twitter's Home and Latest Tweets Tabs Works


Instead of having to tap the star option in the top right-hand corner of your screen in your Home feed, you will now be able to switch between the Home and Latest viewing modes quicker and more easily.

Tapping the Latest tab will allow you to view just that—the latest tweets as they appear on your timeline. Tapping the Home tab, on the other hand, will allow you to view the top tweets among accounts and topics you have followed.

The new tab-switching feature started being rolled out to certain iOS phones in October, and is expected to be expanded to the Android and web versions in the coming months.

Related: How to Personalize Twitter Trends to Suit Your Interests

Twitter's new tab-switching feature will make it easier to sort through tweets, depending on what you're looking for. On a normal day of scrolling through your feed, you can stay on the Home view mode to catch up on what's happening on Twitter.

But if you want to catch up on tweets relating to a trending topic or conversation, you can quickly change to Latest tweets to read those tweets as they happen, so you don't get lost in the conversation.