Are you excited about your new work-from-home job? Or maybe you're one of those who think of remote work as isolating, tiring, and unproductive. If you're planning or required to transition to remote work, what are some of the best ways to adjust?

Here are some ways to shift to working remotely when you're used to working in an office.

1. Create a Personalized Office Space

Office table with laptop flowers and picture frame

While becoming a digital nomad and working on the beaches of Bali is possible, many remote workers work from home. Since working now equals being at home, you'd have to make extra effort to separate your personal space from the workspace.

Prioritize creating the most functional workspace setup to maximize productivity. Some essentials are a solid desk, adequate storage, and good lighting. You can also add houseplants, go minimalist, or splurge on technology. The choice is yours, as long as it will get you revved up for the day.

2. Invest in a Reliable Internet Connection

Some employers give internet allowance for their remote workforce. But whether employed or self-employed, you'd have to do the work of looking for the most reliable internet connection if you're working remotely. This might mean upgrading your plan.

Ask your neighbors or join consumer Facebook groups for the ISPs to get honest reviews. One of the biggest productivity crushers is having a spotty connection–it might even get you fired–so do your research well.

3. Use Collaboration Tools and Apps

Coffee mug and online meeting on a laptop

While working remotely, you must try to stay on the same page with everyone else. Experiment with tools apps such as Jira, Google Workspace, and Slack, which allow you to automate your workflows and work on the same project with a team.

If you're employed and working remotely for the first time, ask for training on the company's tools if you are new to them. If you're self-employed and on a budget, you can also use these free online meeting tools to collaborate with your team.

4. Keep Communication Lines Open

Being communicative and accountable is a must to succeed in remote work. In addition, these qualities help you build trust and credibility with your team and clients.

Use online apps and strive to have a healthy remote workplace by asking for feedback, giving feedback, and being open about any work issues. Working remotely doesn't mean that you're on your own.

5. Set Your Own Goals

Vision board with magazine cut outs

One of the challenges of remote work is staying motivated. Since the bedroom is just a few steps away, procrastinating is easier. Clearly defined goals will help you stay on your feet.

To help turn your dreams into reality, create a digital vision board using apps like Canva or Mind Movies. Check if your daily tasks are aligned with your long-term and short-term goals. If writing that project plan will help towards the bigger goal of financial freedom, then do so!

6. Automate Tasks

Automation tools are software designed to help you produce accurate, uninterrupted, and consistent work with the least time, money, and labor. While most tasks still need a human touch, automating repetitive tasks can significantly help your workload.

List simple or complex tasks that take up time, then check if there are tools you can use to automate them. For instance, you can prepare all your social media captions for the month and schedule them for automatic posting on several channels using Hootsuite or Buffer.

7. Follow a Schedule

Pens and open planner

A come-what-may attitude on a workday will set you up for regret. Even if no one is watching, it's best to follow a routine for your health and productivity. While the same schedule for every day may not work for you, it's still helpful to note your tasks on a calendar.

You don't have to do the old nine-five if you're not required. You might even learn how to make the 32-hour workweek work for you. However, to achieve a healthy work-life balance, make sure also to include exercise, meals, leisure, sleep, and personal errands in your daily grind.

8. Get Your Family on Board

Remember to inform your family (or anyone you live with) about your schedule and lifestyle changes when you start remote work. Chances are, they also have to adjust to seeing you at home all the time!

Post your schedule and communicate your working hours to prevent unnecessary interruptions and distractions. Also, if you have meal times with your family, be present. Time with loved ones is one of the perks of working at home.

9. Choose a Productivity Method

Brown wristwatch and smartphone with to do list

Productivity methods help you accomplish your tasks and maintain your focus throughout the day. For instance, the Personal Kanban simplifies your to-do lists into "To Do," "Doing," and "Done"; while the Pomodoro Method uses a timer to allow for periods of work and break time.

Choosing the most appropriate productivity method may depend on your personality type. Research, experiment, and choose the one that's most optimal for you.

10. Minimize the Noise

Have you ever experienced an online meeting with crying kids and barking dogs in the background? Noise is one of the most significant drawbacks of working at home. While it can cause restrained laughs, it's also distracting and can make you look unprofessional.

Buy a good pair of noise-canceling earphones, especially if you have online meetings. To minimize noise, use the built-in noise suppressing features on video conferencing tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoom, or download noise-canceling apps like Krisp or Utterly.

11. Invest in an Ergonomic Workstation

Well-lit home office with ergonomic chair

If your remote work requires sitting down or typing for hours, opt for an ergonomic workstation to minimize fatigue, ensure maximum comfort, and prevent injury. Studies also show that ergonomic equipment helps you focus, strengthens muscles, and gets your blood flowing.

To start with, find out how high your monitor should be. Then, get an adjustable monitor riser and an ergonomic chair, worktable, keyboard, and mouse. They are usually more costly than your standard equipment but are an excellent investment for your health.

12. Make an Effort in Your Social Life

It's easy to get isolated when you're working remotely. You may have increased your productivity by removing the time for office chit-chat and extended lunches, but a remote setup may also take away the fun of working with a team and gaining a few close friends.

Once you've gotten the hang of working from anywhere, guard against the tendency to work long hours. Remember that work is not your life. Instead, use the opportunity to build new relationships and take time for existing ones.

Embracing the Perks of Remote Work

Remote working has naysayers because of the lack of face-to-face interaction and concerns about productivity. But with some adjustments, you can do it effectively and enjoy its benefits.