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chatgpt openai logo on green background feature
How to Use the ChatGPT API

Use the power of ChatGPT from within your own apps using OpenAI’s API and this guide.

Block of code on a screen
What Is REST API and How Can You Grab Data for Your App or Website?

If you're looking for an explanation of what a REST API is, and how you can use it, you're in the right place.

Screenshot of a video game
DirectX 11 vs. DirectX 12: What Are the Differences and Which Should You Use?

Is DirectX 12 better than DirectX 11? Here's how they compare...

The word “API” surrounded by abstract icons
How to Test Express.js REST APIs Using Cypress

Cypress is great for front-end testing, but it can test your APIs effectively too.

React code in a code editor
How to Build and Consume Mock APIs in React Apps Using Mirage.js

Don’t have the API ready? No problem! Develop and utilize mock APIs with Mirage.js.

a software developer working on a computer system.
How to Use the HTML Drag and Drop API

Implementing the drag-and-drop functionality is easier than you think. Learn how in this helpful guide.

An image with Django and Django REST framework names overlayed
Consume Django APIs the Easy Way With Django Templates

You can effortlessly consume simple APIs without the need to configure an external frontend. Learn how to use Django templates for API consumption.

notepad, book, recycling, and waste bin icons to depict the Create Read Update Delete operations
Build a CRUD REST API With Class-Based Views in Django REST Framework

Follow this step-by-step guide and you’ll have the core of a CRUD API on which to build further.

openai logo on smartphone being held feature
How to Use GPT-3 in OpenAI Playground

You don't need to be fluent in programming to use GPT-3. Thanks to public access through OpenAI Playground, anyone can use the language model.

JavaScript code on a code editor in the background and the Nest.js logo in the foreground.
How to Build a Secure Nest.js REST API Using JWT and MongoDB

Make use of Nest's structured architecture to build secure and efficient REST APIs.

Various Shapes and Objects Assembled Together to Represent API
How to Manage API Security Risks to Boost Your Defenses

Hackers often target not the source of data, but the API itself.

A magnifying glass and a phone display a compass app on top of two old-fashioned maps.
How to Implement Search Functionality in Node.js Using Algolia API

Get great search results for your content using the same search engine that powers Hacker News.

wooden blocks with api and other logos
What Is tRPC and Why Should You Use It?

Discover tRPC, a powerful tool for seamless communication between your client and server.

MacBook Pro laptop with program code on screen
How to Implement Role-Based Access Control in Express.js REST APIs Using Passport.js and JWT

Find out how to combine these technologies with a practical demonstration.

The word “API” surrounded by abstract icons
5 Practical Performance Tips for Express.js REST APIs

An API needs to perform as fast as it can, to serve a potentially huge number of clients. Use these tips to tune your APIs for maximum speed.

Lady writing use APIs on white board
SDK vs. API: What’s the Difference?

SDKs and APIs may seem alike in their functionalities, but they have distinct purposes in software development.

wooden blocks with api and other logos
What Is an API and What Are They Used For?

You've likely come across the term API before while browsing the web. Keep reading to find out what an API is and how they might be used.

An open laptop with a code editor showing on screen
How to Test Node.js REST APIs Using Mocha, Chai, and Chai-HTTP

Hosting an API carries a responsibility to make sure it works. There’s no better or easier way to do so than automated testing with a tool like Mocha.

JavaScript code on a code editor in the background and the Nest.js logo in the foreground.
Build a Real-Time Chat API Using WebSockets in NestJS

Learn how to build a real-time chat API leveraging the power of WebSockets using NestJS.

Part of newspaper
How to Build a News Application Using Python

Learn how to create your very own News application with Python and the Tkinter library.

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