It can be assumed that many people use Instagram in hopes of being Insta-famous. The idea of gaining thous

ands of followers, going viral, getting noticed by sponsors and celebrities, and making money has attracted millions and millions of everyday users.

It's no wonder Instagram is one of the most popular applications.

But, Back in the Day

Instagram used to be known as a haven for aspiring photographers and less known as a hang out for people posting memes, GIFs, and viral content.

The content that once filled Instagram's timeline was mainly filled by and for photo-enthusiasts. And while there are still great photographers and excellent content shown, it appears that the majority of posts on Instagram are attempts at fame and fortune, a chance to be Insta-famous.

Consider These Other Applications

You should consider other applications that can get your photos noticed.

VSCO, which stands for Visual Supply Company, is a great, free app available for Android and Apple and used by many photo and video enthusiasts. What makes this app unique is that you can import high resolution content, which is very important for serious photographers, and sell your content on the app's store. Also, the app doesn't display followers, which helps to keep everyone on an even playing field.

I started using VSCO recently and can say that the app is somewhat tricky to use at first, but has a plethora of advantages over Instagram. Consider using it and you might make some money.

Snapseed is another free app available for Apple and Android that you should consider.

The app contains unrivaled photo-editing tools when compared to Instagram, and allows you to export photos at a higher resolution and dimension than Insta-lame.

I use the app to edit photos, and haven't come across too many problems. However, photo exporting improvements can be made.

Last but not least, you should try using Camera Awesome [No Longer Available]. The app is easy to use and can help you get your photo shooting career off the ground.

What separates this app from Instagram is that it takes incredible in-app photos, with ReadWriteWeb saying that it is an app that "Instagram...could learn from." Keep that in mind next time you want to use Instagram.

Wanna Get Noticed, be Insta-Famous?

If you really want to achieve Insta-fame -- be an Insta-famous photographer -- there are ways.

If you want to compete, you'll need to have the right tools to get noticed. Using hashtags and posting excellent photos will only get you so far.

To amass likes and followers on a large scale you can use a bunch of apps that promote followers. Be warned though, these apps are filled with an unbelievable amount of ads and can possibly get your account banned. Taking that risk is up to you. You will also be promoted to follow a lot more accounts than you might be interested in, which in turn, fills your Instagram feed with worthless and wannabe Insta-fame posts.

You'll also need to be social. Following other profiles (which is what those apps described above do), commenting on other content, and sharing your Insta-posts on Facebook and other social media profiles are excellent ways to gain likes and followers, and a lot more authentic.

Why Trying to be Insta-famous is Lame

As you probably know, achieving Insta-fame is incredibly hard. The competition is tough and millions of Insta-users have that same Insta-fame-goal in mind that you might have.

Also, if you do get there it's probably not at all what you imagine. Essena O'Neill, an Insta-famous user, recently went on a tirade in which she explained that hours and hours went into taking a single picture. She said further that her social media life was nothing like her real life -- the stress of being Insta-famous was too much and not worth it for her.

Ditch the Insta-Appeal

If you want to get your photography noticed, consider using apps other than Instagram, as they have more powerful features.

While Instagram can be used as a social media tool, spending so much time gaining followers and likes might not be worth it.

So, consider ditching the Insta-famous appeal altogether or until you've at least established your brand, it just might be the stress-free way to go.

What other apps do you use to get your photos noticed? Does being Insta-famous appeal to you? Why? What are your thoughts and feelings about Instagram and being Insta-famous?

Image Credits:in front of paparazzi by bikeriderlondon via Shutterstock