The evolution of the web has been nothing short of amazing. In the old days of strict HTML, we had long static pages that we'd have to scroll through to find what we're looking for. As the web grew, code changed, and pages became much better looking, but sites with multiple pages would be divided into several individual sites that you'd again be forced to browse through.

These days, many news articles, long winded stories and message boards all contain several pages that we have to scroll through, one-by-one. It would be nice sometimes to bring some of these huge, bloated, multi-page articles into a single page that we could scroll through. This is where PageZipper comes into the picture.

PageZipper, from the makers of PrintWhatYouLike, is a small bookmarklet that you can place in your bookmarks toolbar, or install as a Firefox extension that converts just about any multi-page site or article into one single page that you can scroll through until the end, without every clicking another link.

After adding a simple bookmarklet to your browser of choice or install the experimental Firefox extension, you can begin taking advantage of some of PageZipper's unique features. It not only converts multiple pages into a single one, but it also does some nice things with images and photo galleries as well.

Along with standard web pages, PageZipper adds the ability to scroll through photo galleries with ease by simply pressing a Ctrl-Down keystroke. Each stroke takes you to the next image in the gallery. Also if an image isn't fitting into your defined screen size, PageZipper can even AutoFit the embedded web image into your screen automatically.

If you'd like a better understanding of how exactly PageZipper works, they have a provided a nice screen recording of all of its different functions.

After discovering PageZipper and it's functionality, I thought of many different situations that I could use this in. Even on MakeUseOf, you can simply click the bookmarklet and never click to browse to older entries. You can scroll for days on end, until you reach Aibek's first blog post, way back when.

Another great place that I first tested this was on a message board. Having the ability to scroll through several different sections of threads and boards was incredibly helpful.

The small ability that PageZipper provides may be small in hindsight, but is definitely something I'm going to keep in my toolbar for some time to come.

Do you know of any websites that you might find this useful? Are there any other tools that you know of similar to PageZipper that provide this functionality?  If so, please let us know in the comments!