People with medical conditions that prevent them from speaking properly usually use electronic solutions, devices through which they can speak by selecting words. Such electronic solutions are referred to as "assisted speech solutions". A free and user-friendly app that performs this function on the iPad is Verbally.

assisted speech

Verbally is the first free Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) iPad app. Its simple design allows users to communicate quickly and effectively in any setting. The app features a "core words grid" that saves users up to half the time required by other AAC apps. Common phrases are displayed to quickly communicate one's meaning. Text prediction is supported, so frequently used words are easily made available for selection. Users can also select from 3 keyboard layouts.

computer assisted speech

Another great feature is that the app does not require any Internet access – all of its information is stored on the iPad, offline.


  • A user-friendly app.
  • Compatible with the iPad.
  • A free assisted speech solution that does not require Wi-Fi.
  • Supports text prediction.
  • Offers "core words grid" for quick usage.
  • Lets you select from 3 keyboard layouts.

Check out Verbally @