If not properly planned, travel can end up costing much more time and money then you anticipated. TravelMath helps you with that by letting you calculate almost all sorts of traveling costs and time. Values you can calculate include flight distance, flight time, closest airport, driving distance, drive time, time difference and more.

The tool also lets you find hotels in the area, display travel deals relevant to your query and even display your trip on Google Maps. One of the best features, however, is the information TravelMath displays related to carbon emissions that your trip will generate. Overall, it is a great tool to help you carefully estimate the time and cost of your trip and carefully plan it.

calculate trip cost


  • Calculate travel time and cost.
  • Multitude of calculations available.
  • Also displays amount of carbon emission your trip will generate.
  • No registration required.
  • Similar tools: Mapnificent, CommutePrice, Drive Pricing and MyMileMaker.

Visit TravelMath @ www.travelmath.com