The Fitbit line isn't the only fitness tracker on the market, but it's certainly the most popular. Whether you use a basic model to track your steps or rely on an advanced Fitbit for monitoring your heart rate, these devices offer a lot to those looking to live healthier.

Fitbit focuses on the amount of steps you take in a day as your main goal. While most models also track how many floors you've climbed, how many calories you've burned, and other factors, they aren't the focus. If you'd like to change this for some reason, your Fitbit can keep another value as your main goal each day.

Open the Fitbit app on your phone and tap the image of your device in the upper-right corner. Scroll down to the General header and tap the Main Goal entry. This is set to Steps by default, but you can change it to Distance, Calories, Active Minutes, and Floors. Each of these measurements has a default value, which you should adjust if you're making it the most important.

Back on the Fitbit home screen, tap the little Account card icon in the top-right. Choose the Activity option under the Goals header to edit your goals. Fitbit will have the following values set:

  • Steps: 10,000
  • Distance: 5 miles
  • Calories: Depends on your sex and weight
  • Active Minutes: 30
  • Floors: 10
  • Hourly Activity Goal: 9 AM through 6 PM. During the time you set here, your Fitbit will buzz to remind you to take 250 steps at ten minutes until the hour.

If you're feeling ambitious, adjust any of these values to add more of a challenge. Else, try the defaults and maybe you'll enjoy them more than tracking steps!

For more interesting tips like this, check out the best Fitbit secrets you might not know about.

Which goal do you track with your Fitbit? Why do you find that goal most important? Share some advice with others looking to improve their fitness by leaving a comment!

Image Credit: Rimma Bondarenko via Shutterstock