Pinterest is finally listening to its hundreds of millions of users and making it easier to keep your boards organized. To this end, Pinterest has rolled out a number of new tools designed to help your pins, boards, and sections looking exactly the way you want them to look.

With Pinterest having been around for so many years at this point, some people's boards will likely be getting out of hand. Which isn't good for anyone's OCD. Thankfully, Pinterest has introduced four new tools designed to help you organize your boards and pins...

Archive, Reorder, Sort, and Rearrange

The first change is the option to archive boards once you've finished with them. As an example, a board for wedding ideas can now be archived once the big day has passed. This will not only help you clean up your profile but also improve the relevance of your recommendations. To archive a board just tap the Edit button followed by Archive.

You can also now reorder the various sections on a board. Sections being a relatively new feature that lets you organize pins into different topics. Just open a board, tap the Organize button, and then drag and drop the sections into the positions you want them.

You can also sort your boards by alphabetical order, most recently saved to, board creation date, and custom order. Just tap the Sort boards button followed by your choice of arrangement. Unfortunately, this is only available on the web.

Last but definitely not least is one of Pinterest's most requested features... the ability to rearrange pins! You're no longer stuck with pins being in the order you saved them. Instead, you can move them around a board as you see fit. Just tap Organize on a board or section to drag and drop pins to new positions.

These features should be available right now on the Pinterest website, and available on iOS starting with version 6.44 and on Android starting with version 6.52.

Pinterest Users Are Far Too Organized

Individually, these tools are only minor improvements to the overall Pinterest experience. However, collectively, they will help people organize their boards. And if there's one thing that's certain about the average Pinterest user, it's that they like things to be organized.

Do you use Pinterest? What do you think of the new tools to help you keep your boards organized? Are you going to instantly set about tidying everything up? Or are you happy to have everything disorganized? Please let us know in the comments below!