There is absolutely nothing wrong with being an introvert. In fact, you being an introvert can be a great trait because introverts tend to think deeper, lead better, take fewer risks, explore ideas thoughtfully, and exercise more creativity.

Then again, being an introvert has its drawbacks too. For example, not all introverts are socially awkward or suffer from anxiety, but many of them do -- and maybe you're in that group yourself. I definitely am.

Social interactions at work can be tough when you prefer keeping to yourself. But there's something even worse than that: having to talk to strangers. I don't know about you, but the prospect of striking up a conversation with someone I don't know always makes me hesitate.

If you're like me, then you may find the above video helpful. In it, Till Gross the founder of Comfort Zone Crusher outlines several tips and tricks that you can use to lessen the pressure of meeting and talking to people you don't know. At a glance, his advice includes:

  1. The One Step Technique
  2. Make It Playful
  3. Go to the Bar
  4. Slow Smile
  5. Appear Confident
  6. Focus Outward
  7. Small Talk
  8. Deepen the Conversation
  9. Follow Through
  10. How to Talk to Groups
  11. Have a List of Stories and Questions

This is a 21-minute video and he provides a lot of interesting subpoints for each tip, so you should really watch the whole thing when you have the time. Even if you only remember one or two of the tips, your social interactions will noticeably improve. Rewatch as many times as you need for all of it to sink in.

For more advice, check out the Comfort Zone Crusher blog.

Still not satisfied? We also recommend these TED Talks that'll revolutionize your social relationships, which cover topics like body language, social vulnerability, saying Yes, and the power of introverts.

Do you have social anxiety? What's your challenge when it comes to social situations? Can you share any tips or tricks of your own that have proved helpful for you? Let us know in the comments below!