Today an increasing number of developers are moving towards using Markdown as the language they write webpages in. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is easier to write than HTML. You can write your pages in a user-friendly plain text format with special tags and syntax for formatting; this Markdown text can then be converted to HTML with ease.

Over recent months, there has been an emergence of Markdown editors that incorporate a previewing interface. These tools are normally web applications that depend on Internet connectivity to be usable. But if you are looking for a tool that functions regardless of whether or not you are connected to the Internet, you should check out a nifty browser extension called TextDown.

markdown editor chrome

TextDown is a free to use browser tool that acts as a Markdown editor and previewer. Basically, the tool is a browser app for Google Chrome. You can access the app by opening a new tab and then clicking on the TextDown icon.

The interface is very simple to get familiarized with - the editor is placed in the left pane whereas the previewer is placed in the right pane. The preview is updated in real time. There are various keyboard shortcuts offered that make working with Markdown very easy. There are options to download the MD extension file directly or download the converted HTML version. There are also miscellaneous options such as showing the time, finding out the time spent writing, and a lot more.



  • A user-friendly browser app.
  • Compatible with Google Chrome.
  • Lets you edit and preview Markdown.
  • Does not depend on internet connectivity.
  • Lets you save Markdown files or convert them directly to HTML.

Check out TextDown @