Want to map your thoughts onto mindmap? Text2MindMap is a free mindmapping tool where you can convert your ideas into mindmaps. To put it simply, using Text2MindMap you can map your thoughts onto dashboard and later download them to your PC.

The way it works, you simply make a list of things you want to have on the mindmap, optionally bundle items under nodes, and arrange the nodes to your liking. Once the mindmap is ready you have an option to download and save it to your computer.

Text2Mindmap - Free Mind Mapping Tool


  • Create mindmaps online and save them to your PC.
  • Make as many maps as you like.
  • Organize and group map objects into nodes.
  • Customize maps: change font size, line color, text color, etc.
  • Download mindmaps in JPEG format (image file).

Go to Text2MindMap @ www.text2mindmap.com