SpyOnWeb is a website owner information tool which allows you to find out websites that belong to the same owner. It gathers information such as IP address, Google Adsense ID, Google Analytics ID and Yahoo Publisher Network ID from public resources and presents them together disclosing websites with similar advertising IDs, IP address etc.

website owner information

Simply enter the domain URL, IP address, advertising ID or statistics code into the provided field and click on the "Search" button. SpyOnWeb will then find all information related to the entry and present it on one page.

website owner information


  • Search for the websites that are likely to belong to the same owner.
  • Search using domain URL, IP address, advertising  ID or statistics code.
  • All data aggregated from publicly available resources.
  • Free, no registration needed.
  • Similar tools: WhoIsTheOwner and AbouThiSite.

Check Out SpyOnWeb @ www.spyonweb.com