According to a February 2015 study, approximately 112 billion business emails are sent and received every single day. Anyone working on a team -- whether as student, office worker, or remote worker -- knows how quickly an inbox can fill up.

As such, it's easy to be curt and rushed when sending out emails -- to the point where your emails start coming off as impersonal, blunt, or downright rude.


Using the Politeness Checker by FoxType Labs, you can check the "politeness rating" of any particular phrase, which can be instrumental in maintaining good relationships with your friends, family, and coworkers. For now, it only works in English.

Of course, this tool can be used for more than just email, but they provide a free Gmail plugin that can quickly scan and rate your emails before you send them out. The tool provides suggestions on rewriting sentences to have a better tone.

The tool isn't perfect by any means. For example, it isn't very good at detecting sarcasm, which tends to be seen as polite. But it's useful enough that everyone who uses email every day (especially in a professional setting) should start using it.

How polite does the tool say you are? What's the most polite (or least polite) sentence you can think of? Share your findings with us down below in the comments!

Image Credit: Woman Upset at Email by PathDoc via Shutterstock