RhymeZone is an easy-to-use rhyming dictionary. It lets you find rhyming words and phrases to use in poems, riddles, rap songs etc. Just type in a word and click on the "Go get it!" button to get a list of rhymes. The results can be sorted by a number of word syllables and letters.

find rhyming words

Apart from rhymes, you can use the site to look up synonyms, antonyms, definitions, words with similar sounds, search the works of Shakespeare and more. If you plan to use the service primarily for one of those features there is an option to customize it for that functionality from the top-right corner.

rhyming dictionary


  • Rhyming dictionary and thesaurus.
  • Find word rhymes and rhyming phrases, sort results by number of word syllables and letters.
  • Find synonyms, antonyms, definitions, words with similar sounds, search quotations and works of Shakespeare and more.
  • Customize the dictionary from the top-right corner.
  • Similar sites: WriteRhymes and Online Rhyming Dictionary.

Check out RhymeZone @ www.rhymezone.com