There are a bunch of online RSS readers available for you to choose from. But if you are feeling nostalgic and would like to try out the old Google Reader, you should visit a website called The Old Reader.

rss reader like google reader

The Old Reader is a free to use web service that basically helps you stay up-to-date with your RSS feeds. You begin by signing into the web service using your Facebook or Google account. You can optionally add friends who are using The Old Reader. Feeds can be added through their RSS URLs and your feed entries are neatly displayed along with their introductory text.


Entries you have already seen can be marked as read and you can change the view of the reader to view more entries in the same area.

You are also shown feed entries shared by your friends on the website along with notes on comments on those entries.


  • A user-friendly web service.
  • Lets you stay up-to-date with your RSS feeds.
  • Resembles the old Google Reader interface.
  • Lets you add friends and view the feed entries they shared.
  • Similar tools: Omea Reader and Subpug.

Check out The Old Reader @