Not all websites have fonts that can be conveniently read. Different people are comfortable with different types of fonts. Thanks to Readable, you can read text on any website in your preferred fonts and colors.

convert website to text only

Readable is a wonderful browser bookmarklet that lets you transform text on a site into a conveniently readable view. On Readable's website you can select the font you are comfortable with. You choose the font family, its size, fonts of the headers, colors of the fonts, and the color themes. The changes you make can be previewed in real-time under the controls.

When you are done with your changes, simply drag the Readable bookmarklet to your browser's bookmarks toolbar. Whenever you are on the article page of a website, click on this bookmarklet and get a cleaner, more readable view of the text. In case the bookmarklet fails to transform the text, simply highlight the text you want to convert before clicking on the bookmarklet. The bookmarklet also offers print options for the converted text.


  • A user-friendly web service.
  • Lets you transform text on sites into more readable views.
  • Lets you control a variety of factors to make reading online articles more convenient.
  • Works through a browser bookmarklet.
  • Lets you print the converted text.
  • Similar tools: Magazinify, NotForest, Readmeo, TidyRead, Readability, Readable, and AllTextPaper.

Check out the Readable bookmarklet @