There are numerous sites on the web dedicated to pure fun. Today I have got such a site to share with you all - "Ransom Note Generator."

write a ransom note

Often in movies you see ransom notes created by clippings cut from newspapers. This is done so that the kidnapper's handwriting cannot be investigated by forensic experts.

Ransom Note Generator builds on the same concept. On the site's homepage you get a text bar where you enter your ransom note. When you click on the "Create" button, your note is generated not only by newspaper clippings but by different images of alphabets on the web.

create a ransom note

If a letter is used multiple times, a different image is used each time. This adds more color to the ransom note. The site's simple function makes it fun to use and can help people generate colorful messages or invitations.

NOTE: The site has been created for fun only. It does not in any way support writing ransom notes.


  • Create a ransom note online
  • All you do is enter your text and click on "Create".
  • Each alphabet in your note is represented by a unique image.
  • Sometimes the image takes a while to figure out - this makes the note even more fun.

Check out "Ransom Note Generator" @