Getting a wireless printer to work can sometimes be an exercise in futile frustration, let alone trying to print from your phone. With one app, you can easily print from your phone, receive print jobs to your printer from anywhere in the world, and it couldn't be easier to set up.

Remote Printing: PrinterShare allows you to print to a remote shared printer or to share your printer with other people.

Setup is painless. You simply install the software on your Windows or Mac computer and sign up for a free account. Once you're logged in, you should be able to see existing printers on your network, which you can share for remote use.

The settings default to an encrypted setup. To print, both the person printing and the person with the printer must have PrinterShare installed on their machines, and you will have to both log into the same account. (You can share your PrinterShare account with as many people as you like - all they have to do is log into the software on their machine using the same credentials you used.)

There are some limitations to PrinterShare. You can only print 20 pages for free. If you want to print more, you can purchase 100 additional pages for $4.95 or you can opt for a $9.95 monthly subscription.

Mobile Printing: Mobile printing is extremely easy from the iOS and Android app. You can print photos, pasted text, web pages, and emails.

When it comes to remote printing from your phone, you can do so from the app within your 20-page limit, or pay for more pages. If you have a printer shared on your PrinterShare account, you can print items from your phone to your home printer, no matter where you are.

If you want to use PrinterShare to print to wireless printers in your network, you will have to upgrade to a premium account for $4.99. Before upgrading, you can print a test page from the app to make sure your printer is compatible.

Do you have any tips or tricks for remote printing? Let us know in the comments.