CBZ or the comic book format isn't a file type you come across every day. Therefore, there aren't many converters that have CBZ in their list of file types. That means converting PDF to CBZ isn't straightforward because of the lack of tools to get it done. PDF to CBZ online converter was a tool built to cover this gap.

You can upload a PDF file and convert it easily to the CBZ format. No software to download or install. The PDF file size is 10 MB, which isn't bad because most of the PDFs usually don't exceed that size.

convert pdf to cbz format

There's also a box where you can enter your email address and it will notify you when the conversion is done. The process can take time depending upon how big the PDF file is. This tool should (obviously) be used to convert a "PDF comic" to comic book format.


  • Convert a PDF Comic to CBZ format easily.
  • No sign up needed.
  • Similar tools: PageFlipFlap and Pdf2Jpg.

Check out PDF to CBZ Converter @ www.pdf-to-cbz.net