If you love the art of paper folding, then you will definitely get hooked with this website. Origami Club is a free comprehensive online resource for paper art lovers and origami enthusiasts full of free and easy origami diagrams. With this website, you can browse through various origami creations and find directions on how to create them.

easy origami diagrams

Origami creations are divided into categories such as Easy Origami, Traditional, Fun Origami, Animals, Sea Creatures, Valentine, Christmas, and more. Each kind of origami is rated according to its difficulty. This website also helps you create your origami by following the instructions on the diagrams which can be printed on B5 and A4 paper. You can also watch animated demonstrations to see how each origami is made.

Origami Club provides you with all knowledge that you can use for your paper art hobby. This website is also useful if you are making paper toys or school projects for kids, or if you want to create useful home decorations and organizers.

easy origami diagrams


  • Provides free information about origami for free.
  • Diagrams on each origami works are printable on B5 and A4 paper.
  • Animated diagram lets you see how each origami is made.
  • Browse origami creations through various categories.
  • Similar site:  Origami

Check out Origami-Club @ www.origami-club.com/en