Online service Omnicalculator has a mission in life: to help its users make better decisions in life. With calculators for your finances, fitness, health, and more, the website offers an interesting way to calculate aspects of your daily life. Many of the calculators could prove to be a motivator to lead a healthier lifestyle, whether by quitting smoking, watching less TV, or even by playing Pokemon GO.

Watch Less TV

On average, Americans spend close to 3 hours a day watching TV. If you're among those people, and are wondering how you could better use that time, Omnicalculator's TV alternatives calculator lets you know exactly how you could put that time to better, and healthier, use.

For example, including your weight and age gives you insight into how many calories you can burn and how many pounds you could lose by using that time to bike, jog, or walk. In some cases, you can also find out how many years you could potentially see be added to your life expectancy. Including your average reading speed, you can calculate how many books you could read in that time.


You can also adjust the figures by choosing to use all of that time to do something else or to decrease the time you spend watching TV by 25 percent, 50 percent, or 75 percent.

Another interesting calculator that can encourage you to lead a healthier lifestyle, this time with the help of technology, is the Pokemon GO Weight Loss Calculator. It calculates how much weight you can lose playing the game.

Kick an Addiction

If you need some encouragement to quit smoking, the Quit Smoking Calculator will let you know how much money could save if you quit smoking. It will also show you the potential improvement to your life expectancy.


Their Addiction Calculator gives you insight into how smoking, alcohol, and illegal drugs like cocaine and meth can affect your life expectancy.

Be More Environmentally Friendly

The Shower Calculator gives you insight into how much water, energy, and cost goes into your daily showers. With states like California facing a severe water crisis, the calculator gives you a better idea of how much water, energy, and money you are actually using on a daily basis. It does, however, require you to have an idea of your water and energy prices.


Which of the calculators do you think you would put to good use? Let us know in the comments.