If learning a new language is on your list of resolutions and if you are good at keeping promises to yourself, then 150 million members of Duolingo want to call you friend. And if you suck at New Year resolutions, then you will need friends who can keep you motivated on the learning track.

The new Duolingo Clubs is a meeting place for the driven and the disheartened. It is the new mini-community of language learners you would want to belong to.

Duolingo Clubs

New Year resolutions fail more often than they succeed. Resolutions are like wish lists that focus on an end goal and not on the process. Duolingo is designed with the process kept front and center. Each lesson with its bite-sized nuggets of new words and phrases is a small step forward.

But when you are learning a second language, motivation is key.

Duolingo Clubs uses the power of peer pressure to give you an added drive. Update the app to find the tab for the clubs. Duolingo Clubs are groups of language learners you can start or join. Think of it as a study circle of friends who are trying to master a new language. Or like gym buddies who are there to egg each other on with virtual grunts and hurrahs.

Duolingo Clubs

Starting a club is simple. Think of a name for a club and create it. Invite friends, family, and fellow learners by sharing a code. As everyone starts learning, keep an eye on the weekly leaderboard.

But why should Duolingo Clubs work?

Again, peer pressure. Each group has its own leaderboard with the status of every member. If Joe is on a ten-day learning streak and you are not, then it's time to get a move on. A bit of ego play and lots of encouragement should help each member of the group work off one another.

Get Motivated When Your Friends Progress

Take on a new language as a group mission. This could be a powerful way to use the Duolingo Clubs for a "social" journey.

It sounds more fun than learning a foreign language all alone with a mobile in hand. Language, after all, is a social glue. As Luis von Ahn, CEO and co-founder of Duolingo says,

"Learning a language is an inherently social experience."

Clubs is available in the latest versions of the Duolingo iOS app and Duolingo Android app. Languages covered are English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Dutch, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Greek, Romanian, Czech, Polish, Thai and Hindi.

Does peer pressure work on you? Do you think Duolingo Clubs will motivate you to learn languages better?