If you're a Java programmer and you're interested in learning more about Java 8 lambdas, in this article we're going to take a closer look at lambda syntax and usage.

A lambda expression in Java is a concise way to express a method of a class in an expression. It has a list of parameters and a body. The body can be a single expression or a block. It is commonly used where an implementation of an interface is required. This need usually arises when an interface is required as the argument to invoke a method.

Some Simple Lambda Expressions

Let us look at some simple examples of lambda expressions.

The following is a lambda expression which accepts two numbers x and y and computes the sum.

        (int x,int y) -> x + y;

Drop the parameter types for a more concise representation:

        (x, y) -> x + y;

Define a function which accepts no parameters:

        () -> 404;

The following is valid too, which accepts no parameters and returns nothing:

        () -> {}

No need for parantheses enclosing parameters for a single parameter:

        x -> x + 1

More complex code blocks are also possible. The following lambda accepts a single line parameter and does some processing on it. Note that the type of the parameter is inferred from the surrounding context:

        line -> {
String[] x = pattern.split(line);
return new Player(Integer.parseInt(x[0]),

Clean and Concise Coding

Using lambda expressions helps make your code clean and concise. To assist in this, Java 8 classes make extensive use of lambdas.

Looping Over a List or a Set

Collection classes such as List, Set, Queue, and such implement the Iterable interface which makes looping over the elements much easier.

Declare a list of names.

        List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Joe", "Jack", "James", "Albert");

Loop over the list without lambda:

        for (String name : names) {

Using lambda, the above loop can be written as:

        names.forEach(name -> System.out.println(name));

With Java 8 method references, the above can be written even more concisely as:


Looping Over a Map

A Map is a mapping of keys to values. Looping over a map involves looping over each of the (key, value) mapping. Compare how you can use lambdas for this situtation.

First define a map:

        Map<String,Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("Atlanta, Georgia", 110);
map.put("Austin, Texas", 115);
map.put("Baltimore, Maryland", 105);
map.put("Birmingham, Alabama", 99);
map.put("Boston, Massachusetts", 98);

You can loop over this map in the traditional way:

        for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> e : map.entrySet()) {
    System.out.println(e.getKey() + " => " + e.getValue());

Here is how you can do the same thing in a quick and concise way using lambdas:

        map.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(k + " => " + v));

Functional Interfaces

What is the return type of a lambda expression? In other words, what is the type of X in the following statement?

        X x = a -> a + 1;

The return type of a lambda expression is a functional interface - an interface with a single abstract method. You can assign a lambda expression to an interface with a compatible abstract method. Some examples below.

Creating a Multi-Threaded Task

Consider creating a task for execution in a separate thread -- you are required to define the task as a Runnable interface and implement the run() method. Here Runnable is a functional interface.

        class MyTask implements Runnable {
   public void run() {
     // implement your task here
     System.out.println("Running in a separate thread now.");

You can then create an instance of the MyTask class and use it to start a new thread of execution.

        MyTask task = new MyTask();
Thread thread = new Thread(task);

Using a lambda, the process of creating a Runnable becomes much easier. The task definition above can be rewritten as:

        Runnable task = () -> System.out.println("Running in a separate thread now.");

Or even:

        Thread thread = new Thread(() -> System.out.println("Running in a separate thread now."));

Comparison Using a Comparator

The Comparator is a functional interface for comparing objects of a given type. It defines a single abstract method called compare() which can be defined using a lambda expression.

Here is a lambda expression creating a Comparator used to compare strings case-insensitively.

        Comparator<String> cmp = (x, y) -> x.compareToIgnoreCase(y);

Once an instance of the Comparator functional interface has been created, it can be re-used as required.

Here, we sort a list of strings in ascending order.

        List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Joe", "Jack", "James", "Albert");
Collections.sort(names, cmp);
// prints

The list above is sorted in place. We can now search it using the binarySearch() method as follows:

        System.out.println("search(Joe):" + Collections.binarySearch(names, "Joe", cmp));
# prints

Computing maximum and minimum from a list is also easy using lambdas.

Define some data:

        List<Integer> temps = Arrays.asList(110, 115, 105, 99, 98, 54, 109, 84, 81, 66, 72, 135, 115, 75, 82, 90, 88);

Use a lambda expression to define the comparator:

        Comparator<Integer> cmpTemp = (x, y) -> Integer.compare(x, y);

And print the maximum and minimum:

        System.out.println("------ Max/Min ------");
System.out.println(Collections.max(temps, cmpTemp) + "/" + Collections.min(temps, cmpTemp));

Use in GUI Programming

Lambda expressions are also extremely useful in GUI programming to implement event handlers. Here is an example of using a button click handler.

        JButton button = new JButton("Click Me");
button.addActionListener(e -> System.out.println("Button clicked!"));

And that was a quick look at using lambdas in Java 8.

Have lambdas made your life easier since Java 8? Please explain in the comments below.