The fonts used on your website add to the site's personality. Although you could use regular fonts with standard settings, tuning them to best suit your site will reflect your hard work that visitors will surely appreciate. To customize the fonts you are going to use, and to obtain their CSS code, pay a visit to IntelligenceFont.

css styles for fonts

IntelligenceFont is a free and user friendly website. Its purpose is to help you check and customize how the font you chose will look in browser. All the controls you need are placed right there on the homepage.

You get lorem ipsum (dummy text) that displays how the current font settings will make the text look like. You can select either the heading or the body of the text and vary the controls at the top to create your desired font. Font styles are made available according to their OS; for instance Calibri can be found in Windows Vista but not in Windows 98.

When you are done tuning your font click on the links on top to obtain your font's CSS or xHTML code.

css styles for fonts


  • A user friendly website.
  • Lets its visitors tune fonts.
  • Fonts are categorized according to the operating system they belong to.
  • Visitors can get CSS and xHTML codes for their fonts.
  • Similar tools: CSSTypeset, Type Folly and Typekit.
  • Also read related article: 2 Free Tools To Make Your Own Text Font.

Check out IntelligenceFont @ [No Longer Available]