The Amazon Echo is an interesting device that brings Siri and Google Now-like voice assistance out of your phone and into your home. It can perform lots of functions, from playing music to answering questions to ordering new goods on Amazon. Now, the Echo's Alexa recently got an update that lets her tell you a story.

In an effort to promote the new movie Batman vs. Superman, Alexa can take you through an audio journey to find out who murdered Bruce Wayne's (Batman) parents. Just say "Alexa, open the Wayne Investigation" to begin! If this doesn't work, check the Skills section of the Amazon Alexa app and make sure the Wayne Investigation is enabled.

The story includes up to 37 decisions you have to make in order to get to the truth, meaning the "game" could take up to 40 minutes. It's really neat that this is an interactive story told completely by audio, much like the interactive text-only games (which you can still play online) of yesteryear.

This might not be too exciting if you're not a fan of Batman, and certainly doesn't justify running out and buying an Echo just for the story, but it's a fun little diversion for Echo owners. Hopefully, we'll see more unique ideas for audio adventures like this in the future, because choose your own adventure games are a lot of fun.

Intrigued by what the Echo can do? Find out how it could make your house a smart home.

Echo owners, what did you think of this game? What other kinds of adventures would you like to see on the Echo? Tell us in the comments!

Image Credit: cherry-hai via