Your Google Home is a hub of information, convenience, and fun. With just a few words, you can adjust your thermostat, play a game, or find out who starred in that movie. With so much information at your fingertips, it can be tough to remember everything your Google Home can do.

That's why we've assembled this Google Home commands cheat sheet with nearly 100 useful commands. Most of these commands work with Google Assistant on Android as well, so you don't even need a Google Home device to take advantage of them.

While we've outlined basic commands below, Google Home has a lot more to offer. Make sure you've read our beginner's guide to Google Home before diving in.

You can ask connected questions and the Assistant will understand. For instance, after Google provides the answer to your question "Who sings the song Careless Whisper?", you can say "Play that song."

Additionally, if you're in the US, you can ask your Google Home to do multiple actions at once. Just say "and" between two commands. For example, you might say "Hey Google, what time is it in Sydney and what's the weather there?"

Before each of these commands, you'll need to say "OK Google" or "Hey Google" to wake up your device. However, if you enable the Continued Conversations feature in the Home app, you can add a follow-up command without saying the wake phrase.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download The Google Home Commands Cheat Sheet.

The Google Home Commands Cheat Sheet



Google Home Device Control


Get help using Google Home

Turn it up / Louder

Raise the volume

Turn it down

Lower the volume

Set volume to [1-11]

Choose volume level


Prevent your speaker from listening. You'll have to press the physical button to unmute it.


Cancel the current action

Send feedback

Provide your thoughts about Google Home

Basic Google Home Functions

Set alarm for [time]

Set a single alarm for the time you choose

Set alarm for [time] every day of the week

Set a recurring alarm

Cancel my alarm

Cancel your existing alarm


Snooze a ringing alarm

Remind me to [task] on [day] at [time]

Set a reminder for a specific time

Set a timer for [X] minutes

Set a timer

Set a second timer for [X] minutes

Set a second timer

How much time is left on my timer?

Hear the remaining time on any timer

Pause timer

Pause a running timer

Resume timer

Resume a paused timer

Add [item] to my shopping list

Add an item to your Google Home shopping list

What's on my shopping list?

Hear the current contents of your shopping list

Buy [item]

Order from Google Express

Talk to [action name]

Interact with third-party Google Home skills

Food and Health Information

How much potassium is in a banana?

Get information about food

How many calories are in [food]?

Get more nutritional information

What is [medical condition]?

Hear basic medical info

How do I make [dish]?

Get a recipe to make anything

Fine me a [food] recipe

Get a recipe for an ingredient you want to use up

Sports and Entertainment

What was the score of the [team] game?

Hear the latest sports scores

What is the [team] record?

See how your favorite sports team is doing

When are the [team] playing next?

Check the next upcoming game

What actors are in [movie]?

Get entertainment-related news

Who invented [thing]?

Learn historical information

Who wrote [book]?

Find out who wrote books. who directed movies, and more

What is [actor]'s most popular movie?

Learn more about celebrities

Who is [person]?

Find out what Google knows about a person

How old is [person]?

Get information about famous figures

Calculations and Conversions

How many days until [holiday]?

Count down to your favorite holidays

Count to [X]

Google will count out loud to your number

What's [X divided by [Y]?

Perform basic math

What is [X] percent of [Y]?

Perform more math calculations

What's the cosine of [X]?

Perform advanced math

How many [units] are in [other units]

Convert currency, units of measure, and more

How many pesos in a dollar?

Perform currency conversions

How many milligrams is [X] ounces?

Convert units


How do I spell [word]?

Hear a word spelled aloud

How do you say [word/phrase] in [language]?

Translate words and phrases

What is [foreign phrase] in English?

Translate any language to your own

What does [word] mean?

Get definitions for unknown words

Commute and Travel Details

How's my commute?

Hear the estimated time to get to your work address

How's the traffic on the way to [location]?

Get traffic data for any destination

How long will it take to walk to [place]?

Find out how long it will take to reach a destination by any method

How far is [place] from here?

Find out about specific distance

When is my next flight?

Get the time for your next flight

Is my flight on time?

Check whether your flight is on time or delayed

What's the status of [airline] [flight number]?

Get details about any flight

How much is a flight to [place]?

Get flight quotes

What's the capital of [country]?

Hear geographical information

What time is it in [place]?

Hear the local time anywhere

Calendar and To-Do

Play my daily briefing

Includes the time, weather, and news

What's on my calendar for [day]?

Get briefed on your first three events of the day

When is [holiday] this year?

Get a specific date

Remember [thing]

Store a quick note in Google Assistant's memory

What did I ask you to remember?

Recall earlier notes

What/when is my next event?

Hear info on your next scheduled Google Calendar meeting

News, Weather, and Local Info

Tell me the news

Hear a digest of the latest news

What's the latest in [category]?

Get news about a topic such as sports or technology

What's the weather?

Hear the weather for your current location

What's the forecast for [day]?

Get a weather summary for a specific day

What is [stock] trading at?

Hear the current price of a given stock

How are the markets doing?

Get a summary of the latest stock market news

What [businesses] are nearby?

Find the closest restaurants, pharmacies, and more

What's the nearest [business]?

Find nearby restaurants, hotels, and more

What is the phone number for the nearest [place]?

Look up business phone numbers

Is [business] open now?

Get opening hours for a specific place

Google Home Music and Media Commands

Play [song] | Play [album] | Play [artist]

Start playing music from your default service

Play [music] on [music service]

Play music from a service other than your default

Play music for [activity]

Play music based on a mood, genre, or activity

Play the song that goes [lyrics]

Play a song even if you don't know the title


Toggle shuffling of music


Pause your music


Continue playing paused music


Jump to the next song

Rewind [X] seconds

Back up in a podcast or news briefing

Stop in [X] minutes

Set a sleep timer

What's playing?

Hear info on the current song, podcast, etc.

Play [podcast name]

Start playing a chosen podcast

Listen to the latest episode of [podcast]

Hear the newest episode of any podcast

Play at [X] speed

Change podcast playback speed, such as 2x

Play [radio station] (on TuneIn)

Hear a radio station by call sign, frequency, or similar

Play my [station] station on Pandora

Play Pandora music (must link Pandora account in Google Home settings)

Play [audiobook]

Listen to an audiobook from Google Play Books

Google Home Chromecast Commands

Turn on/off [Chromecast name]

Toggle the power of a connected Chromecast

Play [music] on [Chromecast name]

Start playing music on a connected Chromecast

Play [video] on [Chromecast name]

Start playing a YouTube video on your Chromecast

Play [show or movie] on [TV name]

Play content from Netflix on your TV

Play/pause [Chromecast name]

Halt or resume Chromecast playback

Stop [Chromecast name]

End Chromecast media playback

Skip forward/back [X] minutes on [Chromecast name]

Rewind or fast-forward what your Chromecast is playing

Mute/unmute [Chromecast name]

Silence or resume Chromecast audio

Show [camera name]

Show your smart camera's feed on your Chromecast

Show photos on my TV

Use your Chromecast to show your Google Photos

Show me a picture of [thing]

See a picture on your Chromecast display

Google Home Smart Home Commands

Turn on/off my lights

Toggle smart lights

Set my lights to [X] percent

Dim/brighten smart lights

Turn my lights [color]

Change the color of your smart bulbs

What's the temperature inside?

Find out about the indoors temperature

Set the temperature to [X]

Control the climate via your Nest thermostat

Lock the front door

Lock your smart locks

Broadcast [message]

Send a message all other Google Home speakers in your home

Google Home Phone Commands

Read my replies

Hear the latest messages from Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS, and more

Send a WhatsApp message

Message via voice in WhatsApp (must link your account in the Home app)

Call [contact]

Place a call through your Google Home

Hang up

End the current call

Find my phone

Ring your phone to help locate it

Bluetooth pairing

Pair with Bluetooth

Fun Google Home Commands

Play Lucky Trivia

Play a trivia game to challenge your knowledge

What are your Easter eggs?

Hear some of Google Home's funny responses

What does [animal] sound like?

Make Google imitate sounds

Sing a song

Hear Google Assistant's hit new single

Tell me a story

Listen to Google Asisstant recite a tale

Tell me a joke

Google Assistant will make you laugh

Read a poem

Hear Google Home wax eloquent with some poetry

Repeat after me: [phrase]

Google Home will repeat whatever you say

Give me a random number between [X] and [Y]

Get a randomly generated number

Roll a die

Have Google Home roll a virtual die

Flip a coin

Google Home will flip a virtual coin

What is your quest?

Find out Google Assistant's driving force in life

Can you swim?

Ask Google Assistant about herself

Talk to Eliza

Speak with a virtual therapist, who really isn't much help

Up up, down down, left right, left right, B A, Start

Get 30 extra lives


Hear Google Home break it down

Mad Libs

Play the classic word game with Google Assistant

Play the name game

Google Assistant will come up with a rhyme for any name

Make me a sandwich

See what she says!

Where's Waldo?

Because Google Assistant knows everything

Surprise me

Are you feeling lucky?

Miscellaneous Google Home Commands

Tune my instrument

Hear notes to help get your instrument in tune

Play a [letter] note

Hear a musical note

Where's my package?

Hear the status of your shipped order

There's More to Master With Google Home

Now, you have dozens of commands to try on your Google Home device. Hopefully they will help you make the most of your device and remember its most useful tricks. And if this isn't enough, we've previously looked at some entertaining Google Home commands .

If you find yourself repeating the same commands every day, there's another Google Assistant feature you should know about. It's called Routines, and it allows you to create sets of actions that fire when you give a certain command or a specific time of the day passes. Check out our guide to Google Assistant routines to get started.