GetDeb is a constantly updated web directory where Ubuntu (Debian and Mint) users can get latest copies of Ubuntu applications not yet released in official repositories. It features lots of different apps nicely organized in respective categories.

latest ubuntu applications

There are two ways to get latest apps from GetDeb:

  1. Search and find apps directly on GetDeb website.
  2. Install GetDeb onto your system and automatically get pre-compiled .deb packages as soon as they're available (9.04 or 9.10 Ubuntu system only).


  • Find and install latest Ubuntu apps.
  • Search and browse site by categories.
  • Install GetDeb onto your system and automatically get pre-compiled .deb packages.
  • Free and no registration necessary.
  • Rate applications and leave comments (registration needed).
  • Similar tools: Appnr.

Check out GetDeb @ [No Longer Available]