If you have a load of tabs open, it can prove challenging to find something particular in one of them. Let's say you are researching something, and you have a bunch of sites open on that topic, but you forget where a certain piece of useful information is hiding. What can you do? Simple, you download FullSearch, and search for that phrase from pieces of information across all of your open tabs.

search open tabs

FullSearch is a handy Chrome extension that makes managing your tab load a lot easier. All you need to do is set a keyboard shortcut to open the pop-up, and type in what you are looking for. It will scan the data contained in all of your open tabs to find what you are looking for. If you wanted to find where a certain name was mentioned, you could just type in that name and find it with ease.


Without FullSearch, you would have to open up each tab and use CTRL-F to find what you are looking for. This could take a lot of valuable time, and if you are up against a deadline, anything that can shave valuable minutes off your workload is a blessing. Using the settings screen you can set your own keyboard shortcut, so you will be able to search when you want.


  • Search any number of open tabs quickly and easily.
  • Takes only a few seconds to find what you are looking for.
  • Set custom search keyboard shortcut.
  • Displays the results in a handy popup.

Find FullSearch on the Google Chrome Webstore