Searching for a restaurant online is easy enough, and they are detailed too. For example, you can get a list of the most popular cheap Japanese restaurants within 50 miles from your home. But finding the food you like to eat and a restaurant that serves it is very hard. Fortunately, we have Foodspotting. This user-driven website lets you search for dishes and food recommendations in a snap.

the food you like to eat

Start using Foodspotting by browsing the latest and most wanted food and then finding where they were spotted. Once you register, you can share your food spotting by posting a picture of the food and where you found it.

You can also nominate a food that you love for others to see. You can also view the profiles of other users in Foodspotting where you can view the food that they spotted and nominated as well as find the different restaurants that they have been in.

the food you like to eat

If you are adventurous in discovering restaurants, then Foodspotting is a great place to start.


  • iPhone app available.
  • Recommend food that you have spotted.
  • View profiles of other users.
  • Find food recommendations.
  • Similar Tools: UEatCheap, KidsEatFor, and OpenTable.

Check out Foodspotting @