Almost everybody is now familiar with the iPhone's way of displaying a text conversation. If you want to have a little fun with your friends and fool them into thinking a fake iPhone text conversation actually happened, check out the web tool entitled Fake iPhone Text.

fake iphone text conversation

Fake iPhone Text is a simple web tool that lets you create fake iPhone text conversations. You start by entering the text conversation as shown in the image above. You can type in any names - the names do not matter as they do not show up in the conversation itself. Clicking on the Create button generates the iPhone text image.

fake iphone text conversation

To share the image you will first need to save it. The image is part of the webpage i.e. you cannot simply right click on it and save. Save the image by taking a screenshot with the Print Screen key on your keyboard and then do some cropping in Paint. Alternatively you can use a handy screenshot tool like Greenshot to speed up the process.


  • A simple to use web tool.
  • Lets you create fake iPhone conversations.
  • Lets you have fun with your friends by fooling them.
  • Does not contain any language filters - your text conversation can include any words.

Check out Fake iPhone Text @