If you love Gmail's recent drag and drop attachment upload feature which it introduced sometime ago, you'll love this Chrome extension too. Called Drag2Up, this extension enables drag and drop image and text upload from your desktop to a text field on a website. The image is automatically uploaded to Imgur, the free image hosting service and a link is generated that's pasted into the text field.

The process is the same in the case of text files, except that here the service used is Github.


The only reason why you wouldn't want to use it would be if you don't want to use either Imgur for image uploads or Github for text uploads. Otherwise it can definitely save you time.


  • Drag and drop images and text files from desktop to online text fields.
  • Works on Chrome.
  • Imgur is used for image uploads and Github for text file uploads.

Check out Drag2Up @ chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/bjgjolhpdlgebodaapdafhdnikagbfll