If you have ever needed an easy to use interface to create custom colors and color palettes, than ColRD is the application for you. It's an easy to install Chrome application that allows you to work right from your browser. By simply dragging some sliders and clicking some buttons you can create palettes with as few or as many colors as you wish.

create custom color palettes

The palette maker is this application's main feature. It makes it easy to create the range of colors you need for a particular project. Making a bunch of color palettes and then having no use for them would not make much sense, so they give you the ability to export them to Photoshop, Illustrator or GIMP. This way, you can take your creations into your application of choice and make use of them.


The app also allows users to create custom gradients. Anything you create on the app can be shared with fellow ColRD users if you register for a free account.
