Cookies are an integral part of our browsing experience. Websites use them to remember your logins or your browsing preferences to serve you more targeted ads. On your own, it's really hard to know which websites or ad networks are tracking you when you visit different websites. Now, thanks to a handy Firefox extension called Collusion, you can visualize which websites track you in real time.

Simply install the Firefox extension and then open this link [No Longer Available] in a separate window. Once you start visiting different websites, dots will start appearing in that window. Red dots are sites considered as confirmed trackers by Privacy Choice.  Sites in gray are not, but may still be collecting data about you. Hover your mouse over these dots to get more information.

who is tracking you


  • View which websites are tracking you in real time.
  • Free Firefox extension.
  • Red websites are confirmed trackers, gray sites are not as according to
  • Hover over these dots to get more info on each tracking website.

Check out Collusion @ [No Longer Available]