The tri-star of Mercedes is probably as well-known as the golden arches of McDonalds. Logos along with brand names are the calling card of companies, and the famous ones don’t even need to use the latter. The logo is enough sometimes. That’s why every company takes painstaking efforts when it comes to designing their logos. A logo and a legend are often Siamese Twins of company culture.

Thanks to the tsunami of ads around us, we see logos every day. Sometimes we notice the good ones, sometimes the not-so-memorable ones pass us by. As business students, a favorite pastime of ours was to quiz each other on logos by covering up the essential details. That’s why I was pleasantly surprised to find a similar game on the Apple Store. The Logos Quiz Game will stretch your knowledge to the hilt, not to mention that it will expand it too.

Identity Famous Logos and Rack up Points…Only If It Were That Easy!

The idea of the logo quiz game is simple – it is a straight quiz that gives you a multitude of logos to identify. But just how many logos will you be pitted against? I haven’t got down to counting them yet (I was busy playing), but the game site says that there are more than 800 spread across all the levels. I did count the levels and there are 12 of them. So, now let’s take it from the very beginning…

Installation Notes

logos quiz

The Logos Quiz Game is a 30 MB download and is supported by iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. The game is a free install with in-app purchases. As expected for a free app, it is ad-sponsored, and you can remove them with a buy ($1.99). The ads are limited to a small bar at the bottom of the screen, so I didn’t find them too intrusive. An occasional pop-up notifies you about additional in-app purchases you can make.

The Logos Quiz Game is also available for the Android [No Longer Available].

How Many Brands Do You Think You Can Recognize?

That’s all there is to the gameplay. But wait, there is a small rider. It is not specified up front, but the faster you identify the logos, the more points you will rack up. So, don’t meander over to the computer and cheat with the help of Google or the many logo sites out there. Did I give away something here? Nah, you do have to race the clock. So, hit Play.

You are presented with Level 1 while the remaining ones are locked. Here’s what Level 1 looks like (in fact, the difference between the levels seems to be the number of logos keep increasing). The green checkmarked logos are the ones I got right.

logos game quiz

Just tap on the logo you can identify, and type in the name in the second screen which comes up. The answers are case-insensitive, but you have to get the spellings right. Misspellings and repeated tries get penalized with points.

logos game quiz

Hit Check and find out if you got it right. Different logos have different points, but they all seem to be around 90 to 100. The ones which you get right are marked with green checkmarks (as in the first screenshot).

logos game quiz

What if you don’t know an answer? Every three correct hits will earn you a hint. Each logo has three hints which you can use to correctly identify the logo. If you use up the hints with getting the brand name, you can ask your friends through Twitter and Facebook. There are in-app purchases also which will net you some extra hints. But I think using up the hints (or the time you take to use up the hints and get the answer) reduces the total points you could have earned.

logos game quiz

Check How Well You Are Doing

logos quiz

Logos Quiz has a nicely put together stats board. You can access it from the Options. Click on Info which lists vital statistics like your score, ranking, and the gameplay time. You can also post your achievements and scores on the Game Center Leaderboard and let your friends in on the action.

Taking Logos Seriously

We love branded products. A bit more attention to their logos, and we will have gone a long way in bettering our scores. Logos Quiz Game is a simple but addictive game that calls on our visual memory. Serious students might also look at this as an opportunity to look into the intricacies of logo design and learn something about how to design a good memorable logo like the famous ones here.