Looking for a gift card at a discounted price for a particular store? Or perhaps you want to sell a gift card that you are not using? Credit card resource website CardHub has a gift card exchange section that lets you buy and sell discount gift cards on the web via Facebook. It indexes sellers of gift cards from various stores so that you can buy them with your Facebook account.

discount gift cards on the web

The gift card exchange section shows a list that displays the store name, the card amount, the price of the card being sold, and the discount amount as well as percentage. You can filter results by searching for the store name, setting the range of the card amount, or by choosing which types of seller to display.

If you find a gift card that interests you, click the message button and you'll be redirected to a pre-composed message template in Facebook addressed to the seller. The site also provides links to the Facebook profile page of the seller. You can also buy discounted gift cards from trusted companies.

With Cardhub's gift card exchange, you are sure to find good deals for gift cards from assorted stores.

discount gift cards on the web


  • Buy or sell discounted gift cards from people or trusted companies.
  • Connect to sellers personally using your Facebook account.
  • View seller's Facebook profile page.
  • Filter results by store, card amount range, or type of seller.
  • Mark good deals with like and bad deals as spam.
  • Similar Tools: CardPool, Shortcuts, and JustOnceClubCard.

Check out CardHub Gift Card Exchange @ [No Longer Available]