
Kayla Matthews

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About Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews is a former senior writer at MakeUseOf who covered streaming tech, podcasts, productivity apps, and more.

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Where Do You Start with Self-Improvement?

If you know that you want to engage in a self-improving lifestyle, but don't know where to start, these simple, time-proven strategies can help you get your footing.

8 Diagramming Apps for Better Brainstorming on the Go

Life can be busy and chaotic. These mind mapping and brainstorming apps can help you keep track of your inspirations and ideas for a better thought process. All just a screen tap away.

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Saving money on gas is not only good for yourself, but also for the planet. These apps help you efficiently manage your vehicle’s mileage and fuel costs while building good driving habits.

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Trying to build the perfect resume? Check out these free resume tips from some of the best schools that make up the Ivy League.

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