
Guy McDowell

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About Guy McDowell

With 20+ years of experience in IT, training, and technical trades, it is my desire to share what I've learned with anyone else willing to learn. I strive to do the best job possible in the best manner possible, and with a little humour.

Latest Articles

6 Coolest Games You Can 3D Print at Home

Everyone knows about 3D printers, but what you might not know is how fun 3D printing is, and how much fun it can create for your whole family. We're talking 3D printed tabletop games.

Learn how to solder
Learn How to Solder With These Simple Tips and Projects

Intimidated by the thought of a hot iron and molten metal? If you want to start working with electronics, you're going to need to learn to solder.

Creating raffle tickets in Microsoft Word
How to Get a Free Raffle Ticket Template for Microsoft Word

Fundraising is a lot of work. Let us take some of it off of your shoulders and show you how to find templates and customize free raffle tickets. All you need is a word processor.

How to Calculate True Solar Panel Cost For Your Home

Perhaps you need to figure out what the cost of a home solar system will be after federal, state, and municipal incentives? Let’s take a look at how to figure that out.

12 Computer and Workspace Upgrades You Can Do in a Weekend

Your PC sidekick deserves better. You deserve better! Let's look at a number of things that you can do, in a weekend, to freshen up your PC and workspace.

Which Are Safer? IP vs DVR Security Camera Systems

There are IP based video systems and DVR based systems. What's the difference? What are the pros and cons? Even more important, which system is the most secure? Let's take a look.

How the Internet of Things Is Dangerous For Your Kids

Mixing kids and technology can be a scary thing. Do you know all of the ways the Internet of Things (IoT) could hurt your children?

4 Gadgets That Can Boost Indoor Air Quality and Keep You Healthy

Let's take a look at checking your home's air quality, then filtering, and humidifying or dehumidifying. We'll also look at some impressive devices to help with each step.

How to Give Your Room a Cyberpunk Design Makeover

Cyberpunk is no longer fiction. It is our reality. And DIY is its first name.

5 Types of Home Solar Electric Systems and Choosing the Right One

Want to know how you can make your life greener, make your wallet a little more full and not be so dependent on the power company? Install one of these home solar electric systems!

Windows Can Do THIS? 15 Surprising Features You Had No Clue About

Windows can do a lot more than you may think. Even if you're a veteran Windows user, I bet you'll discover a feature in our list that you never knew existed.

How to Use a Battery Bank to Protect Your Home From Outages

Your office computer can keep running during a power outage because you have a UPS. Can You put your whole home on a UPS? Yes. Yes you can.

The Tesla Battery Could Change The World - But Does it Actually Save You Money?

Innovation comes at a cost. One of the hopes in energy innovation is that there will eventually be a financial benefit. The Tesla battery is no different.

3 Software-Related Legal Issues You Might Face One Day

Simple software-related mistakes could land you with fines, lawsuits, or even jail time. Are you aware of these potential legal issues?

9 Beautifully Pointless Wikipedia Edit Wars You Need to Know About

If you get a kick out of people watching, reading pointless edit wars on Wikipedia could be your new hobby. Here are nine articles to start off with.

3 Alternative Energy Home Projects That Could Slash Your Electric Bill

Let’s take a look at how we can take on some simple alternative energy DIY projects and save tons of money.

Has Internet Mob Justice Gone Too Far?

Now, we have the power of media and we’re not going to take it anymore. Good idea or bad idea? A force for justice, or a digital lynch mob?

Dip Your Toes in Batch File Programming for Windows

Why do you let simple, repetitive tasks bore you? If you can't delegate, innovate! With Windows you can create simple little programs, called batch files, that will take care of these tiresome tasks.

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