You might have come across tools that create a cartoon version of you. There are tools that create your Avatar (the movie) equivalent image, South Park equivalent image, and even a Simpsons equivalent image. Now you can create an icon of yourself in the style of Google's Android robot icon, thanks to a tool called Androidify.

google android robot

Androidify is a simple and free smartphone application for Android devices, which is sized at 1.4MB. You can start from a basic image and then start stretching it, shrinking it, styling its hair, and accessorizing its clothes in numerous ways. The app gives you a great number of options to get the icon to look more like you or anybody else you know. With your icon formed, you can share it with your friends or assign it to a contact in your phonebook.

android robot logo


  • A user friendly smartphone application.
  • Compatible with Android devices.
  • Lets you create Android robot logo like cartoon images of people.
  • Provides many customization options.
  • Final result can be shared with friends.
  • Similar tools:, ClayYourself, ThatsMyFace, AvatarizeYourself, Navilator and MpChange.

Check out Androidify @