Google Home's calendar integration leaves a lot to be desired. While Google has made it easier to create an event, you can only add it to your primary Google Calendar. If you want to use other Google Calendars, that's just not possible.

But what about adding events to your iPhone calendar? With this IFTTT applet, you can do just that.

First, make sure the IFTTT app is installed on your iOS device, and then activate the applet. You can specify the name of an iOS calendar. If you leave it blank, new events will default to your primary iOS calendar.

To add an event to your iOS calendar, use the following voice command:

"Ok Google, add to my iOS calendar haircut tomorrow at 6 PM."

Now, the applet is somewhat limited. You have to be very careful with your wording, otherwise Google Home will confirm it's adding the event to your calendar, and nothing will actually appear on your calendar.

It seems that it's only really useful for events within one week of creating them. You can use words like "Today," "Tomorrow," and days of the week. If you say "Add to my iOS calendar haircut on Saturday at 6 PM," the event will be added on the upcoming Saturday.

The phrase "Next week" also seems to work, where using that voice command on a Thursday would add the event for the following Wednesday. Using exact dates, however, did not work for us.

As with most things Google Home related, if, in addition to your iPhone, you happen to have an Android phone with Google Assistant, you can use these voice commands as well.

Do you have any tips or tricks for making Google Home work better with your calendar? Let us know in the comments.