Smartphones, in addition to making phone calls and texting friends, are built to make our lives easier. We have all of these applications at our finger tips so is playing portable games and using iPhone apps that make fart noises the only thing we want to do with our iPhones? Of course it isn't. We want applications that take the things we have to do on a daily basis and makes them easier.

Thankfully, the App Store is home to plenty of applications that make your life smoother. Will they automate every single thing you need to do in your life? No, but they will take some of those tasks like finding your car, keeping track of your grocery list, and plenty of other tasks a little bit more pleasant.

If you want to make life a little bit easier, download these iPhone task applications and thank me later!

Finding Your Car

Have you ever parked your car in a large lot, only to forget where you parked it? This can be a huge waste of time, as you will have to wander aimlessly around the parking lot, pressing the keyless entry remote until you eventually walk into your car. Or maybe you never found it, and you are reading this article from your smartphone as you spend another day lost in a sea of vehicles.

iphone tasks

Either way, you can solve this problem with a number of iPhone task applications. You can download iCar (Free), Find My Car (Free), iCarPark ($.99) [Broken URL Removed], or Find Your Car with AR: Augmented Car Finder (Free). Whichever app you choose, you will never have to worry about finding your car again, all thanks to the magic of GPS and an iPhone.

Losing Weight

iphone tasks app

Losing weight will never be an easy task, as no matter what method you use, you are going to have to diet and exercise. However, iPhone apps like MyFitnessPal (which you can read a full review of here), and MyNetDiary, can help you keep track of what you eat and when you exercise, which will make the process more organized.

The extra organization will make the process smoother, and it just might help you meet the goals you could not otherwise achieve.

Keeping Track Of Groceries

When I was young, we kept track of our groceries on a piece of paper! Can you imagine such a world? Okay, so that was only a few years ago, and I wasn't actually shopping for groceries because I lived with my parents, but you get the idea. Now, we can simply use apps on our iPhone to keep track of our shopping lists, which is far more convenient than carrying around a pen and paper everywhere we go.

iphone tasks app

How often do you remember something you need at the grocery store when you are sitting at home in front of your list? Probably not often, but with apps like Evernote, which we covered here, Wunderlist [Broken URL Removed], which we've reviewed, and OurGroceries, you can add new items to the list at any time. These apps will make keeping the house stocked with the food you need a whole lot easier, and you can even make them collaborative and share with co-habitants.

Keeping A Budget

Money organization is important. After all, the last thing you want to do is spend more than you earn. Keeping a budget used to require an accounting degree or complicated spreadsheets, but with the iPhone, you don't need any of that. Instead, you just need to download an application and let it handle those complicated financial matters for you.

iphone tasks app

Mint is the most popular application for keeping a budget, and with good reason. It automates the processes by seeing the transactions you perform right from your online banking. Of course, this means you will need to give it access to your account information, which could scare off some users.

If that puts you off then Easy Envelope Budget Aid offers similar features, but requires you to log transactions yourself. While it might not be as easy to use, it's still better than the old days.

Traveling & Navigation

An iPhone can make traveling easier in an almost limitless number of ways. There are applications that will help you find a hotel, keep track of your plans, digitally store your tickets, and so much more. Obviously, you are going to bring your phone with you when you travel, so why not put it to work and have it make the trip a smoother process. After all, traveling can be stressful, so put that expensive phone to good use and have it trim some of the stress away.

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Of course, once you get to your destination, you are going to need to navigate around. That's where handy apps like Waze, which we covered in depth here, and Google Maps will do the job perfectly. You are also going to want to avoid getting a speeding ticket, and that's where the app Trapster, which we've covered, will come into play. 


The iPhone, and smartphones in general, can take those pesky tasks we need to do and make them easier. These tasks are some of many, so with that in mind, we turn to you. What tasks do you think the iPhone has made easier? Do you have any specific iPhone task apps to recommend? Hit the comments section below and let us know!