Indie gaming can be a hit or a miss, but what if you had the chance to build your own indie game from scratch? Applying for a traditional gaming company can seem intimidating, especially if you don't have a solid portfolio.

However, building an indie game means you can build gameplay, characters, and storylines the way you want to. With this in mind, where do you begin?

Why Build Indie Games?

Ever wondered why you should make an indie game? An indie game, in the short term, is an independent game that may be produced and developed by up to 10 people and not by a large company.

These games do not have the financial backing or massive marketing teams that can be obtained through large development companies and generally require a lot more word-of-mouth marketing and people to present the game on social media, streaming services, and YouTube.

You might be wondering what makes these games so good to create. With a smaller team, you can gain more creative freedom, and freedom with the hours you work, and you can use the creation of these games to expand upon your skills.

These games are perfect to create for graduates and those who are new to programming and want to increase their skills. The question is, how do you make your dream of creating indie games a reality?

1. Know Your Development Budget

It’s important when starting any creative project to know your budget. For example, your equipment must be fully prepared for the game you are trying to create, and your office setup needs to be comfortable for the long hours needed. You may also need to purchase software to complete the job or hire others to assist with completion.

All of these things cost money in most cases, so it’s essential to look at if you have the money to afford the correct tools and people to complete the job. The best way to achieve this is to create a budget on Microsoft Excel along with basic bookkeeping records; this keeps it all in one place and simple to edit and refer to over time.

You also want to carefully consider and budget your time correctly. You may not think of it, but time is the most valuable resource humans have, so it’s important to carefully allocate your time to complete your game effectively. Want an easy way to help with time management? Here are the best budgeting apps to get your finances in order.

2. Find the Right Development Software

What type of software will benefit your creative process? When first planning an indie game, determine the software you will need. Your choices will be based on the type of game you are making and how much detail you want to put into it. Do you want a short game with a simple playthrough or a more complex leveling system for players?

The most important choice you will make is design software, which you will use to create the look of the game. Animation software will determine how everything moves and works together, and likewise, the game engine will be the main software that you use to complete your game. If you want some tips or tricks, have a look at bringing your characters to life in Phaser.

3. Choose Your Game Engine

When it comes to choosing a game engine, there are many options you can choose from to cater to different skill levels and goals, so it’s important to do your research on what works for your creative ideas.

Firstly, you need to consider the type of game you are constructing and what engine is best suited to the type of game you want to make. This can be choosing an engine better for 3D games, such as Unreal Engine or Unity, or choosing one best suited for 2D games, like Godot Engine.

Is this your first gaming project? You might want to choose Game Maker, however, if you are well-rounded in game development, it is best to stick to whatever engine you are most familiar with, so you can get the best use out of it. Want to know where to begin? Here is how to build and run a Unity game project.

4. Create a Small Team

Being an indie developer doesn’t mean you work alone. Sometimes a solid team to back you can make or break your project! The benefits of having a team mean you can have a diverse set of skills and specializations to offer to the project. With a range of artists, designers, animators, programmers, and a small marketing team, you'll be on your way to a successful beta project.

The most powerful way you can build a team is by networking and meeting people, or by posting advertisements looking for specific roles and assessing applicants' portfolios to judge whether they are a good fit. Making a team not only allows you to have multiple specialists on the project, but it also allows you to focus on your area of expertise or divide the work if you have other responsibilities.

5. Play Video Games to Explore

Yes, playing video games is a great way to get to know games on a more mechanical level. How do the levels work? How do you want players to feel when they play? What are the motivations of each character, and how does the player experience progress in the game?

Looking at the gameplay from a researcher's perspective allows you to consider design, leveling systems, character scripts, and voices, questing, finding small achievements, items characters can pick up along the way, online interactivity and multiplayer gameplay, and so much more.

6. Become a Marketing Expert

Learning a base level of marketing and where to market your games is key to the success of your new indie game. To start your marketing plan, you need to figure out who your target market is, what their traits are, their purchasing habits, and what they find most valuable.

Start creating a profile of what they are like, then you need to figure out their needs and wants in a game, and how you are going to fulfill them. Build a Discord community, create a social media account, a YouTube channel with small gameplay clips, and even a Patron system that offers members special access or perks along the way.

This will overall communicate that you are fulfilling their needs and wants, convincing them to purchase your game and become long-term customers if you intend on making a sequel game!

7. Learn Business Management

When creating video games that you intend to charge money for, or hiring people or contractors if you hold a registered business, you need to know how to run it effectively. It's extremely beneficial for any business owner or project manager to hold skills in basic bookkeeping, marketing, budgeting, and finances. This ensures smooth running from a financial perspective and minimal losses or expenses.

Another aspect is learning to manage people. Leadership is such an important skill if you are working with a team of your own. This way, you can guide everyone to complete what they need to do positively. Short courses covering these topics are available on many online platforms free of charge or with a month's trial, such as LinkedIn Learning.

Build a Career in Indie Games Today

Whether you're a complete beginner in the gaming industry, are a programming student, or have years of gaming experience, creating an indie game has a number of benefits in terms of your career and existing skill set. Creating a game with a small team is a perfect opportunity for any skill level and is an amazing addition to any portfolio.