Imagine a world where you didn't have to worry about getting up from the couch to change the thermostat or ensure your front door was locked. While most of us can take that convenience for granted, it's a luxury seniors may not have had access to in the past—until now.

Seniors don't need to be tech-savvy to take advantage of the smart home's many benefits and conveniences, as most systems are designed for total ease of use. If you're looking for ways to make their lives easier, consider how a comprehensive home automation system can help your loved ones.

The Challenges and Opportunities for Seniors

Elder Man helping elder woman to tie her shoes

As we age, it's natural for our bodies to change and slow down. It may become more difficult for seniors to do everyday chores as quickly as they used to. They may also feel less safe as they grow older since the loss of eyesight and hearing is common as we age, often leaving them prone to falls or accidents that could cause injury if their home isn't equipped with the appropriate safety features.

The good news is that technological advancements have brought us closer to creating homes that are smart enough to anticipate our needs. This can be particularly helpful for seniors who live alone or help people with disabilities.

What Problems Are Smart Home Devices Solving?

One of the biggest problems smart home technology is solving for seniors is simplifying their daily activities without requiring them to learn how to use new devices simply because they've gotten older.

A Frontiers in Psychology study found that seniors are eager to adopt new technology and willing to learn with tablets, but they have apprehension about unclear instructions or lack of support.

Here are just a few of the benefits that smart home systems bring to seniors living on their own or with others:

  • Home security
  • Emergency assistance
  • Comfort control
  • Safety features
  • Convenience
  • Independence
  • Entertainment
  • Socialization

Smart Devices for Seniors: What's Available?

While home automation is a fairly recent phenomenon, there are already numerous products and technologies available which can help to simplify your loved ones' lives. Here's a look at some of them:

Smart Medical Care

Doctor in white coat using a smartphone

1. Medical Alert Systems

A medical alert system is designed to help seniors remain active and engaged with the world by allowing them to call for emergency assistance if they need it. A medical alert device is worn like a necklace or bracelet like CarePredict Home can be activated if it detects that the wearer needs assistance. The device sends an automatic signal to a monitoring center, contacting family members and medical emergency services if necessary.

2. Smart EKG Monitors

A smart EKG monitor can save your loved ones time and energy by providing a faster, more accurate diagnosis of dangerous heart conditions. The device sends an electronic signal which records the wearer's heart rate, heartbeat patterns, and any detectable abnormalities, then sends this information to a smartphone app for review. This can help medical professionals quickly rule out false positives while allowing seniors to better monitor their own health without going through expensive testing at the doctor's office.

3. Smart Pill Boxes

A smart pillbox has the potential to greatly reduce the risk of an elderly family member accidentally taking too many painkillers, for example. The device is linked to a blood pressure monitor or scale, which helps seniors track their vital signs over time. It can then be set up to remind them when they need to take certain medications throughout the day and can even be connected to their doctor's database, ensuring that they never accidentally miss a dosage.

4. Automatic Toilets

Automatic toilets are designed to help seniors use the restroom without needing assistance. They automatically flush, raise, and lower the seat lid, and some models even include a bidet that can be activated with remote control. This can help seniors feel more independent while drastically reducing the risk of falls and other accidents.

Smart Kitchen Devices

Senior preparing dish in kitchen

1. Touchless Faucet

Touchless faucets are a great way to make your loved ones' lives easier, as they don't require them to touch anything dirty before washing their hands. These faucets also include an automatic shutoff feature, which can prevent leaks and help conserve water.

2. Smart Stove Minder

A smart stove minder can ensure that no one leaves the oven, stove, or toaster oven on by accident. This can help reduce the risk of a house fire and improve safety for seniors who live alone. The device works by monitoring temperature changes in a home's oven, then sending an alert if it detects that something has been left on for too long.

3. Smart Fridge Minder

A smart refrigerator minder can work very much like a smart stove minder to ensure that no one leaves the fridge door open for too long, which can cause spoiled food.

4. Touchless Trash Can

Touchless trash cans are designed to make it easier for seniors with arthritis or limited mobility to throw things away. The device has infrared sensors that will automatically open the lid when someone approaches it.

Smart Living Room Devices

Senior couple playing games on couch

1. Smart Blinds

Smart blinds can be paired with a smartphone and automated to raise and lower as needed. This allows seniors to control their appliances without needing assistance from family members or other caregivers and can help them avoid strange looks from neighbors who may wonder why the window shades are going up and down throughout the day.

2. Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat can automatically monitor the temperature inside your loved one's home, then manage it according to their preferences. The device can be set up to shut off when your family member is not at home or have lights turned on or off as needed without needing to get up and do so manually.

3. Smart Entertainment Devices

Smart entertainment devices offer several benefits for seniors. For example, they can be paired with voice assistants such as Alexa and Siri to provide hands-free control over their television, music, and movie streaming services. They can also be used to make video calls to family members, order food, and connect to other services. These devices can also be linked to others in the home, such as thermostats or other light switches, which allows them to be used to adjust the environment in different rooms without needing to move from one area to another.

4. Smart Plugs

One of the simplest and most cost-effective smart home devices to install, these plugs can turn any electronic device into a smart one by linking it up with a smartphone. Seniors could use them, so they don't leave their space heater or television on all day without realizing it.

Security and Safety Devices

Senior Woman holding baby near window

1. Smart Security Cameras

Seniors can have a difficult time spotting intruders in their homes, but a smart security camera can help them feel safe and secure by providing a live video feed of their property 24/7. This is also helpful for family members, as they will be able to check in on loved ones from anywhere in the world.

2. Smart Locks

Smart locks allow seniors to open their front door without having to fumble for their keys or wait for someone else to come over and help. They can also be programmed to give specific people access (like a housekeeper or caretaker) and can even be activated remotely via an app.

3. Smart Smoke Detectors

A smart smoke detector can detect the presence of smoke even when there are no open flames, which can be especially helpful for seniors who live alone and may forget to turn something off before leaving the house. It also sends alerts in case someone forgets to blow out candles or fails to notice that their stove has been left on by mistake.

4. Smart Video Doorbells

These smart doorbells can provide direct audio and visual link between your loved one's front door and their smartphone, so they can see who is standing outside. That way, they can avoid accidentally opening the door to strangers.

The Future of Senior Care

Smart homes are changing the way seniors live—giving them more opportunities to stay active, engaged, and connected than ever before.

If you're looking for ways to help your loved ones save time, money and feel safer in their own homes, consider how a smart home might be just what they need.