Python's Arcade library provides developers with a powerful and intuitive platform for creating 2D games. One of its standout features is the ability to easily draw shapes and assets using the library's built-in drawing tools. With just a few lines of code, developers can bring their game worlds to life with visually appealing and interactive elements.

Whether you need to create basic shapes like rectangles and circles or more complex polygons and lines, Arcade provides the necessary tools to accomplish the task with ease.

Create a Simple Game

Before starting, make sure you have pip installed on your device. Use this command to install the arcade library:

        pip install arcade

After that, start by creating a simple game with just a game window and a white background.

The code used in this article is available in this GitHub repository and is free for you to use under the MIT license.

Here's the code to set up the game window:

        import arcade

WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600

def setup():
    arcade.open_window(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Simple Game")

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

By running this code, you will see a game window with a white background. You can build upon this foundation to create various game assets.

Creating Basic Shapes

Python's Arcade library provides simple drawing functions to create basic shapes such as rectangles, circles, and ellipses. Similar drawing basic shapes in PyGame, adding basic shapes to your Arcade game using these functions is a straightforward process.

You can use arcade.draw_rectangle_filled() to create a blue rectangle, arcade.draw_circle_filled() to create a red circle, and arcade.draw_ellipse_filled() to create a green ellipse. You can modify the parameters of these functions to adjust the position, size, and color of the shapes. Here's an example:

        blue = arcade.color.BLUE
red = arcade.color.RED
green = arcade.color.GREEN

def draw_shapes():
    arcade.draw_rectangle_filled(400, 300, 200, 100, blue)
    arcade.draw_circle_filled(600, 400, 50, red)
    arcade.draw_ellipse_filled(200, 500, 80, 40, green)

def main():

Creating Complex Shapes

In addition to basic shapes, Python's Arcade library allows us to create more complex shapes such as polygons and lines.

You can use arcade.draw_polygon_filled() to create a yellow polygon and arcade.draw_line() to create an orange line. Define the polygon using a sequence of points and the line by its start and end points. Here's an example:

        yellow = arcade.color.YELLOW
orange = arcade.color.ORANGE
points = ((400, 400), (500, 500), (600, 400), (500, 300))

def draw_complex_shapes():
    arcade.draw_polygon_filled(points, yellow)
    arcade.draw_line(100, 100, 700, 500, orange, 5)

def main():

Creating Nested Shapes

Python's Arcade library also supports creating shapes within shapes, allowing us to create more intricate game assets.

For example, you can create a blue rectangle as the base shape. Inside the rectangle, you can add a yellow circle and a smaller red rectangle. This nesting of shapes allows us to create more visually interesting game assets. Here's an example:

        def draw_nested_shapes():
    arcade.draw_rectangle_filled(400, 300, 200, 100, blue)
    arcade.draw_circle_filled(400, 300, 50, yellow)
    arcade.draw_rectangle_filled(400, 300, 80, 20, red)

def main():

Adding Color and Texture to Game Assets

To make game assets more appealing, Python's Arcade library provides various options to add color and texture. You can use predefined color constants, create custom colors, or even apply textures to shapes.

You can use arcade.draw_rectangle_filled() with the predefined color constant arcade.color.AQUA to create a rectangle with a cyan color. You can also use arcade.draw_texture_rectangle() to apply a texture from an image file (texture.png) to a shape. Here's an example:

        aqua = arcade.color.AQUA
texture = arcade.load_texture("texture.png")

def draw_color_and_texture():
    arcade.draw_rectangle_filled(400, 300, 200, 100, aqua)
    arcade.draw_texture_rectangle(600, 400, 100, 100, texture)

def main():

Best Practices for Creating Game Assets in Arcade

When creating game assets with Python's Arcade library, consider the following best practices:

  1. Use the appropriate drawing functions for the desired shape or effect.
  2. Utilize predefined colors or create custom colors to enhance visual appeal.
  3. Experiment with texture application to add depth and realism to the assets.
  4. Organize the drawing code into separate functions for better code structure.
  5. Take advantage of user input events to dynamically create shapes and interact with the game world.

Making Visually Appealing Games With Arcade

Python's Arcade library is a valuable resource for creating visually appealing games. Its drawing functions make it easy to create stunning graphics, from basic shapes to intricate designs. The ability to add colors and textures enhances the visual appeal, while the interactivity feature allows for dynamic and engaging gameplay.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Arcade's user-friendly tools and flexibility make it an ideal choice for bringing your game ideas to life. With Arcade, you can create captivating games that not only entertain but also leave a lasting visual impression on players.